
Venerate freedom Independence Day

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For most people, the Fourth of July is a fun-filled day of pancake

feeds, parades, barbecues, baseball games in the park and explosions

of night-time fireworks.

It’s easy to get caught up in the enjoyment, and to forget the

origins of the day. It isn’t just the Fourth of July, it is

Independence Day -- the day to celebrate the freedoms secured by our


When planning this year’s Fourth of July festivities with your

families, please remember America’s first families who endured the

Revolutionary War, which eventually won freedom from King George.

What a landmark time for America -- and for mankind. It was the

resolve of the 13 colonies that led to the signing of the Declaration

of Independence in 1776. The war hadn’t been won yet, but the

signatories -- all 50 of them -- had the brashness to sign the

document which said to the monarchy: “ ... whenever any form of

government becomes destructive ... it is the right of the people to

alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government.”

And with the stroke of a pen they took the first important step

toward founding a new government. In that important document, the

signers told the world of 1776: “We will seek life, liberty, and the

pursuit of happiness.” The Revolutionary War continued and reached

its outcome in 1783. America was born.

The effect of the United States gaining sovereignty was felt

around the world, and to this day continues to influence other

nations that struggle to gain freedom and achieve the inalienable

rights afforded to all people.

“All who live in tyranny and all who yearn for freedom place their

hopes in the United States of America,” President George W. Bush said

in a 2003 speech honoring the military.

As you enjoy the fireworks and patriotic celebrations this year, I

hope you will pause to give thanks to our forbears, and for those who

have fought to uphold the freedom gained on our first Independence

Day. May you all have a safe and memorable holiday.

* EDITOR’S NOTE: Assemblyman Tom Harman represents the 67th

Assembly District, which includes the communities of Cypress,

Huntington Beach, La Palma, Los Alamitos, Rossmoor, Seal Beach, and

portions of Anaheim, Garden Grove, Stanton and Westminster.
