
More taxes aren’t sole answer

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Martha Lydick

The Laguna Beach Taxpayers Assn. is concerned about how the city of

Laguna Beach will raise the necessary funds to assure the citizens

that all necessary infrastructure will be in place before the winter

rains. We are enormously proud with the incredible amount of work and

leadership that has been displayed by Mayor Elizabeth

Pearson-Schneider. She has been the right person at the right time

for what we have experienced with the landslides.

Our concern is the instructions given to the city to find ways to

raise an estimated $10 million for these necessary repairs.

There is no single answer to this challenge. We need to look at

multiple sources to reach $10 million.

Can we hold back for one year earmarked money for the improvements

of our sewers and streets? What would that add to this financial


Can we look at the costs of the new lighting in South Laguna and

change the lighting to what the rest of the city has?

Can Laguna Beach become a leader not only in the county but the

state and country by changing the pension system of all new employees

to a 401k like all of the working people in this country? That would

bring the budget back to a sensible level of funding for the pensions

of our city workers.

We are asking the city to give us not only ways to increase taxes,

but to match ways of cutting spending to meet this urgent financial


Finally, there is a positive way to raise tax revenues without

increasing the tax rates -- increase sales revenues. It is common

knowledge that the regulations, fees and limitations placed upon our

businesses limit sales. Taking action to encourage more business

revenues and reduce restrictions would in fact raise more money for

this monumental task we are taking on to help our neighbors.

* MARTHA LYDICK is president of the Laguna Beach Taxpayer’s Assn.
