
In agreement with Smith’s column I want...

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In agreement with Smith’s column

I want to applaud Steve Smith for his column, “Static over TV

issue,” Saturday. I believe it’s well-written and well-said. I

totally agree with him about the hypocrisy on the left, and he

expressed very well my same feeling, and I thank him for the time and

effort that he took to put the column in the paper.


Corona del Mar

Community should support Measure F

Measure A has done an excellent job -- on time and on budget -- of

bringing 1950s schools up to 21st Century code, but they are still

1950s schools. The 21st century students need science labs in

elementary schools, updates of middle and high school science labs,

upgrades of all classrooms to 21st century technology, renovations of

all playing fields and the libraries and the renovation or building

of performing arts theaters at all high schools. They need

construction of a gymnasium at TeWinkle, which has never had one.

They need an aquatic center for swimming and water polo and a stadium

for football, track, soccer, etc,. to be shared by Costa Mesa’s high

schools, eliminating the over-use of facilities at Newport Harbor and

Corona del Mar high schools, where Estancia and Costa Mesa play “home


If we choose to say no to Measure F, families will choose to live

elsewhere, affecting everyone’s property values, and students will

opt for other school options.

Build it and they will come, and then Newport-Mesa will be in the

21st century.


Costa Mesa

Brewer fits in with the GOP majority

The 48th Congressional District race is a great opportunity for

the Republican New Majority organized by wealthy Orange County

business persons with a mandate to support mainstream Republicans and

to put qualified women in office. Their efforts were to counteract

the far-right, well-organized minority that didn’t reflect the

majority of the voters here. Marilyn Brewer qualifies for all the

criteria, and they would do themselves proud to support her.


Costa Mesa

For cameras but with caveats

I am for red-light cameras at certain intersections. I am sure

that it cuts down on the number of people who run the lights, but I

also believe that the lights should have a warning sign. I notice

certain cities do it. Others want to keep it a secret so they

possibly catch more violators. I also would like the newspapers to

run a story about how the guilt of the violations is decided.

Do the camera companies have a lot to say in who gets the ticket?

And does the city pay the camera companies before or after the ticket

is paid?


Costa Mesa

Red-light cameras

are good deterrent

If you’re doing a poll on red-light cameras, all four members of

my family here want more cameras because little Leilani Gutierrez was

paralyzed by someone running a yellow light. That was just one among

many, many other tragic injury accidents caused because everybody is

in such a rush.

We need more cameras even if there is no film in them because it’s

a deterrent. I had a friend killed at Santa Isabel Avenue and Newport

Boulevard by someone running a red light. I think cameras really

scare people into thinking about their behavior a little bit more.


Costa Mesa
