
Art and ale on tap

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Laguna Beach prides itself on being an artist colony, where a

spectrum of art genres thrive -- but who knew the performance art of

beer pouring could fit into that category?

This art form will be featured at

5 p.m. Tuesday when Brussels Bistro owner Alain Pauwels and

manager John John McEvilly, both Belgium natives, compete to see who

has perfected the art of beer pouring. They will represent Laguna

Beach in the Orange County qualifier for the Stella Artois World

Draught Master Competition.

In Belgium, they take beer pouring very seriously.

This is the fith annual world competition in beer pouring

sponsored by InBev of Leuven, Belgium, brewer of Stella Artois and

numerous other brands.

“In Belgium, we love to have the appropriate glass for the

appropriate beer,” Pauwels said. “There’s a special glass for each

beer. That’s the art, like France and drinking red wine and white

wine -- you use the appropriate glass. It’s all about culture, how to

pour the beer in the appropriate glass.”

McEvilly echoed Pauwels that in Belgium beer pouring is considered

an art and is innate for natives.

“For me it’s just natural to present a beer; I don’t have to think

about it -- it’s an art,” McEvilly said.

“In Belgium you never learn but know how to do it,” Pauwels said.

He said beer has been a staple at his family’s dinner table since

he was five.

Pauwels said there is a saying in Belgium that if one has a good

glass and a good beer inside, keep it always to refill with the same

kind of beer.

“It’s part of our happiness,” Pauwels said. “In Belgium people

drink a little sometimes too much, then they might sometimes want to

try a different flavor.”

InBev USA Orange County account manager Rick Iasparro said he

would be helping Brussels Bistro host the event.

“There will be seven total judges, who are experts in this,”

Iasparro said.

The judges will be looking for the proper pouring rituals that are

an authentic representation of Belgium beer.

Each contestant will pour three different Belgium beers, that have

a long Belgium history -- Stella Artois since 1366, Hoegaarden since

1445 and Leffe since 1240.

“It’s the first year to have this contest in Southern California,”

Iasparro said. “Previously New York and San Francisco have just

represented the United States.”

The Orange County winner will go on to compete in the Western

Regional Draught Master Competition in Seattle Sept. 19, hoping to

win a spot in the U.S. national event in New York. One winner will

represent the U.S. in the World Event in Brussels in October.

“It’s an honor to represent the U.S.; it’s a very prestigious

contest,” Iasparro said.

It may seem simple, but each contestant has to perform the ritual

twice with Stella Artois being judged on 11 criteria; once each with

Leffe, with the judges looking at 17 criteria; and 10 for Hoegaarden.

They will be judged by a point system.

“I think we’re going to win the contest,” Pauwels said. “But also

in Belgium even if you don’t win it’s important to participate and

