
Sing along with Leisl

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Leave it to No Square Theatre to take “The Sound of Music” to a

different, Laguna-esque level with its production of the classic

favorite, which comes to life today, Saturday and Sunday at the Forum


Though the cast will perform a more authentic version -- closer to

the real story of the Von Trapp family than the film depicts --

audience participation will add a zany twist.

Director Saif Eddin said it will be a sing-along, similar to a

recent craze involving the film’s screenings, but enhanced.

“A live version will be even better, especially since most of us

grew up with it and know all the songs,” Eddin said. “It will be in

the typical No Square Theatre fashion -- a different play on the

musical. It’s fun audience participation.”

Linda Haylett of Miss Linda’s Castle and Lagunatics fame has a

pivotal role.

“I play Sister Margaretta, but I like to call myself Sister

Melodia; as choir director I lead the audience to be the chorus of

the production,” Haylett said. “I tell them when to sing and not to

sing. I have to bring up different people from the audience to

participate, and we’ll have some ‘Sound of Music’ trivia.”

Haylett said Eddin condensed the show to make sure all the beloved

Rodgers and Hammerstein songs were included in the production --

melodic, memorable sing-along tunes, including “Maria,” “The Sound of

Music,” “My Favorite Things,” “You Are Sixteen, Going On Seventeen,”

“Climb Ev’ry Mountain,” “Do-Re-Mi,” “Lonely Goatherd,” “Edelweiss,”

“So Long, Farewell “ and more.

“I don’t think we’ve had this caliber talent in our principals

[before]; they’re as good as I’ve ever seen,” No Square Theatre’s

guru, founder, artist director and board vice president Bree Burgess

Rosen said. “Every single leading role is fulfilled -- they look the

part, act the part and have gorgeous voices.”

Burgess Rosen said the script is performed as written, a wonderful

piece based on the true story.

“It’s a balance of a quality show and quality experience for the

cast and audience,” Burgess Rosen said.

The youngest cast member is Zara Schuster, 4, who plays Gretl Von


“She thinks it’s like a camp; she loves it,” Zara’s mother Marzieh

said. “When she found out she got the part she ran in the kitchen and

jumped up and down, saying ‘I’m going to be Gretl. I’m still in


Rylee Fansler, 8, plays an older Von Trapp sibling, Marta.

“She’s basically more of a sweet little girl who loves playing;

she doesn’t know what going on [with the Nazis],” Rylee said.

It’s Rylee’s first time doing theater, but her resume includes

soap operas, commercials and voice-overs.

“In theater you have to be more open, loud, on-cue and really

express your feelings really good,” Rylee said. “I want to do more

theater in the future.”

Kami Henderson, 13, who plays Louisa von Trapp, said she has been

in at least a dozen No Square productions, but this is her favorite.

“I’m obsessed with ‘The Sound of Music,’” Kami said. “I love the

whole set, plot and conflicts. So far it’s been the best experience.

You get to sing all the songs you know and love, and interact. It’s a

serious production at times and some times we get to kick off our


Gregg Barnette, 12, a No Square and Lagunatics veteran, said

friends and families alike will appreciate the production.

“Usually all our silly stuff is tongue-in-cheek; it’s nice to do a

legitimate play,” Barnette said. “We’ve tweaked it for the audience

interactive aspect. Each person that comes in gets a goodie bag --

rose petals for the wedding, rosary beads, a champagne glass and

other props.”

“It’s like ‘Rocky Horror Picture Show’ meets ‘The Sound of

Music,’” Barnette added.

Show times are 8 p.m. today, 2 and 8 p.m. Saturday and 7 p.m.

Sunday at the Festival of Art’s Forum Theater, 650 Laguna Canyon


Dress the part, in a habit or lederhosen, and get a free glass of

wine from Penfolds at a pre-show tasting, one hour prior to each

show. Tickets are $20. Information: (949) 497-1950 or

