
Babies are reminder of life, love and creativity

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A baby is God’s opinion that the world should go on.


I have a friend named Susan who is a wonderful grandmother. She is always quick to share a great story or the most recent picture of her grandsons, and her face lights up whenever she talks about them. Even though they are still quite young, there is an obvious bond between them, and she is going to be the kind of grandmother whom her grandchildren will always look forward to being with, and I’m sure they will always think of her as being fun and cool -- or whatever the word is at that time.

Susan is also a wonderful friend, and I have been in a support group with her and two other good friends, Teri and Christi, for at least 15 years. We have gone through the highs and lows of life together. We have met, prayed, laughed and cried through life decisions, marriage joys and challenges, child-raising and launching, graduations and operations, job changes and financial issues, losses of family members and friends, wedding showers, weddings, baby showers and babies births, birthdays, holidays, good days and bad days. In short, we’ve lived life together, and we are there for each other.

It was only natural then for us to pray for Susan and her husband and their son and daughter-in-law as they entered into the adoption process. They did all the necessary work, prayed and waited, and we prayed and waited as well. Then, finally, they received the longed-for phone call, and they brought home a beautiful baby boy.


We had a baby shower for mother and son, and everybody there was thrilled at the wonderful way God had answered so many prayers. I enjoyed watching the happy mother open so many great presents for her little one, but we all especially loved watching him as he slept, stretched and occasionally gave us a glimpse of his big blue eyes.

Teri shared a bit about the ways she has seen God spread special joys through different adoption situations, and also how God has promised that we can all be adopted into the family of God when we choose to ask him to be our heavenly father. She also wanted a time of prayer for the new little family that came to be because a mother made the heart-wrenching, but wise and loving choice to give her baby over to a couple who were eager and willing to give the little boy the love, stability and everything else he needs.

Teri wanted a time of prayer for the baby, his parents and grandparents. I prayed for wisdom and guidance for Susan and Randy in their special role as his grandparents. I have seen what a wonderful job they have done with their other grandsons, so I know they will excel with their newest one too. Next, Teri prayed for the parents, for them to have wisdom as they lovingly raise him to be the young man God created him to be. Finally Christi prayed for the sweet little sleeping boy, for his health and growth, and for him to make wise decisions in his life, decisions about God, friends and his future wife.

We then enjoyed more presents, cake and watching the magical wonder between the mother and her new precious little baby boy. Seeing babies reminds me of God’s love and creativity. Knowing babies and their families reminds me to pray for God’s wisdom, guidance and love for all those involved in their little lives.

And you can quote me on that.

* CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON is a Newport Beach resident who speaks frequently to parenting groups. She may be reached via e-mail at or through the mail at 537 Newport Center Drive, Box 505, Newport Beach, CA 92660.

