
Dentist’s gone fishin’

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For many years, Don Anderson’s day job was pulling teeth, but these days the Newport Beach resident pulls out fish. He even wrote a book about it. When Capt. Don Anderson says there are no skunks on his boat, he is not referring to the furry, sometimes smelly, mammals.

An old fishing adage goes that if a fisherman doesn’t catch any fish, he’ll say there’s a skunk on his boat, which is rarely the case for the 69-year-old Newport Beach resident.

Anderson recently wrote and self-published a book titled “No Skunks on My Boat: Secrets of an Offshore Fishing Junkie.” The idea for book, which is full of tips and techniques tied together with vignettes and anecdotes, surfaced when Anderson decided he wanted to put his stories on paper.


“I just had a lot of stories that have been in my head for all the years I’ve been fishing,” Anderson said, adding that he’s also written several articles for fishing magazines.
