
Be proud of commitment to education

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Before we move on to the challenge of prioritizing, funding and building new facilities for our schools, we should stop and savor the moment.

Our community should be proud of its commitment to our kids and their education. The passage of Measure F, the local school bond measure that was on the Nov. 8 ballot, is a tribute to our values as a community.

The vote was very close. If only 1,050 yes voters had not voted, out of 45,000 votes cast, the bond measure would have lost. Or, if 470 yes voters had voted no instead, the measure would have lost. That means that each and every volunteer who made phone calls, helped in the office, or encouraged supporters to vote on election day made the difference between winning and losing.


On the other hand, the victory is evidence of deep community support for our kids and their education. Statewide, all the propositions failed. In Orange County, all the lettered measures failed dramatically.

In our Newport-Mesa Unified School District, parents with kids in the schools represent only 8% of registered voters, but school bond measures require 55% approval to pass. So, even with all the items to vote against on Nov. 8, our community as a whole recognized the importance of our schools and our kids.

Our board of trustees and our school district administrators have worked diligently to earn our confidence and trust. Together, we now have the ability to improve the education of our kids for years to come. We should all be proud of ourselves.

Now, let the fun begin.

* EDITOR’S NOTE: Mark Buchanan is a Costa Mesa resident and was the chairman of the Citizens for Quality Schools -- Yes on F campaign.
