
MTV spoils image of Laguna

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MTV’s show has increased the familiarity of Laguna Beach across the world, but watch the show and ask yourself if the MTV image of Laguna Beach is how you want to be known. As MTV itself says on its website, “Most viewers of ‘Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County’ see the show’s cast as nothing more than a group of spoiled, plastic rich kids.” The public Internet message forums about Laguna Beach are much, much worse, with the general sentiment being that all Laguna residents mirror the MTV show -- superficial, materialistic and dumb.

It is clear that nearly all Laguna residents oppose the exploitation and shallow portrayal of Laguna by MTV. Indeed, when I stepped in front of MTV cameras to debate the creators, even the camera crew acknowledged the mindless, superficial essence of their show. Many of them have stated that even they do not watch the show because it is so hollow, but that they are just trying to put food on the table by working on the show as a freelance production crew.

Not surprisingly, I have yet to hear an argument from anyone defending the content of MTV programming (think “Spring Break Wet T-Shirt Contest” or “Jackass”) or the Laguna Beach show itself. Like everyone across the country, Laguna residents see the show for what it is: a trashy, catty drama about materialistic luxury and scantily clad teenagers. Unlike the rest of the country, however, we know that the show does not portray the real Laguna Beach and that MTV’s exploitative depiction is profoundly damaging to the character and image of our beloved city.


I have heard some people comment that perhaps the show is increasing Laguna property values and thus can be tolerated, even though it is garbage. I am shocked that there are people who live here who would sell the soul of Laguna, who would allow Laguna’s noble character to be tarnished, just to increase the value of their property.

Furthermore, I urge those money-minded individuals to remember the irony of Laguna Beach property values. That irony is that, by historically not focusing on money and property values, but by focusing on education, community, art, culture, the environment and so much more, we have created tremendous monetary value for Laguna.

By focusing on soulful quality of life and substantive, community values, we have created a city of tremendous worth. And it is a worth not just of the wallet but of the heart and mind.

Laguna is loved by us and its visitors for its character, not for its money. If we allow MTV to continue damaging our community essence and the image the world has of us, our beloved town will be left a hollow shell of its former self.

It is time for the City Council to do whatever is in their power, both legally and symbolically, to remove MTV from our city and once again stand firm for the values that have historically made this city great.

I hereby urge the City Council to issue a formal, symbolic resolution condemning MTV involvement in Laguna Beach. While it may not have legal teeth, a symbolic City Council resolution would be a profound and effective way of voicing the opposition of Laguna residents to a show whose tawdry programming contravenes every noble principle Laguna has historically embodied.

This show is making Laguna look terrible across the world. If you, my fellow residents, feel the same, I encourage you to contact the Laguna Beach City Council members and endorse such a resolution.

* Derek Ostensen is a Laguna Beach resident.


Is the MTV reality show hurting the image of the city? Write us at P.O. Box 248, Laguna Beach, CA, 92652, e-mail us at or fax us at 494-8979. Please give your name and tell us your home address and phone number for verification purposes only.
