
Honored by Bluebird appreciation

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A few weeks ago, Steve Huberty invited my family and me to a surprise party for Bob Burnham at Bluebird Park, given by the Bluebird Canyon Community Assn. My son Charlie, Sarah, his wife, and my grandbabies Abigail and Hannah all showed up to walk down to Bluebird Park. Later, my daughter Kiersten surprised me by appearing, and the only one missing was Charity, who’s getting her master’s degree in New Mexico.

The gathering was heartwarming. All the families from the slide were there, plus the mayor and all the city officials and even the geologist. The food was amazing, as is usual from Five Feet. Michael donated all the food, practically brought his whole kitchen down to the park, and his servers volunteered their time.

After eating, Steve Huberty and Gary Waldron told us that Jamie Pendleton, our senior analyst for the city, was leaving. The office will never be the same without her; she is so good at her job.


Than they introduced Bob Burnham and thanked him for all he has done for the city and the families. He said how everyone had made his job enjoyable, and then he started talking about another person who has done a lot for all the families and the city. He continued by saying that this person has spent more time on the hill than anybody else, and to my surprise, he turned and said, “Charlie come up here.” The party was for me too? I was stunned. Nothing like this has ever been done for me. He asked me to say a few words -- there was so much to say, but I was still shocked.

So now I want to tell all the families of Bluebird how much you have enriched my life. Thank you, Bob Burnham. I have so much respect for you. And Jamie, you will be missed for how you keep all of us in order. Thank you, Barb Schupe, who made Bob and me a very special coffee mug with a hand-painted picture of a Bluebird; on the other side it reads, “thanks for moving mountains.”

I thank the mayor for caring so much about Lagun. Ken Frank and all the city officials, thank you for being there. Michael and your servers from Five Feet restaurant, thanks for donating your time and service on a Sunday afternoon.

I am so honored to live in Laguna and to be part of taking care of it. The reason why I live here is because it is a neighborhood and a family. When one hurts, we all do. That’s why, when the slide happened, there wasn’t even a question of should I, could I, what if? You just go and do whatever is needed, whatever the cost.

It’s been a privilege working with all the families. I tried retrieving as much of their lives as I could from their broken houses, helping them through the emotions of seeing their house being torn down and then finding them temporary housing. Like the sign says on top the hill, “We’ll keep the lights on until you come home.”

I want to thank all who have helped the families, who have donated refrigerators, washer and dryers, beds and everything else that was needed. Once again, Laguna came together unlike any other city. It is amazing!

And now we have the election coming up for the half-cent sales tax -- it’s a great idea that will help Laguna get back on its feet. I know everyone hears “increase,” but it’s 25 cents on every $50. That’s nothing! “Don’t ask what Laguna can do for you. Ask what you can do for Laguna.” Isn’t that how it goes?

Again, thank you to all the new members of my family -- Lori Herek and Billy told my wife Toni, “Charlie is our foster parent now, he takes care of us.”

Most of all, I want to thank my wonderful wife Toni for being there through all the emotional times of the slide and for always being there for me.

* Editor’s note: Charles D. Williams owns Williams Construction Co. and was manager for the project to remove structures destroyed in the landslide.
