
Man stabbed; two arrested

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Man was taken to hospital and was in critical condition.Two Costa Mesa men are being held without bail on suspicion of stabbing a 42-year-old man who received several stab wounds to the upper torso during a fight Thursday night at a Costa Mesa apartment complex, police said.

The 42-year-old, whose name is being withheld, was taken to Western Medical Center in Santa Ana and was reportedly in critical condition after the fight Thursday around 11:20 p.m.

Two Costa Mesa residents were arrested following the incident on Joann Street.

Police identified one as Humberto Vega, 20, and said the other was a 17-year-old.

Sgt. Marty Carver of the Costa Mesa Police Department said the incident did not appear to be gang-related.


“Everybody was at the same location,” Carver said. “I guess, from what the investigation shows, it was an argument. There was obviously alcohol on board. Two people got into an argument and the next thing, people were fighting.”

According to the police report, participants in the scuffle were armed with baseball bats, belts and knives. Some of the assailants fled into the apartments when police arrived. Officers found the wounded man inside an apartment.
