
Let’s ignore the squeaky wheels

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I have read every editorial and story about the controversial immigration plan initially proposed by Costa Mesa Mayor Allan Mansoor. Luckily enough, that plan was modified by City Councilman Gary Monahan, and the city of Costa Mesa will embark on a new chapter in American history. Only the future will tell how history and others will look upon this new policy. Some already have called the City Council “racist” and other terms of endearment that are not fair.

I think the main problem is that city leaders bear a tough load. City Council meetings are attended by the usual malcontents who continue to bring negative vibes to each meeting. Council members are forced to deal with issues that are not only a waste of time but a waste of resources. This is an example of the few who speak out affecting the majority in the community.

Ask the City Council about the Costa Mesa municipal code that makes it an infraction to have more than 10 people playing an organized soccer game in a park without a permit. I have not looked, but I think we are one of the few cities in America with such groundbreaking law. I hope and pray we are the only city with this law because the law is a textbook example of a waste of police resources. Who is hurt by a soccer game in a park? And, believe it or no, the Costa Mesa Police Department has issued citations for this municipal code violation.


Similar municipal code violations cover such controversial topics as vending trucks (such as an ice cream truck), pushcart vendors and illegal possession of a shopping cart. These are hot-button issues that are pushed on the Costa Mesa Police Department by the City Council. Ask the City Council if you think I am wrong.

These municipal-code violations are a direct result of the “squeaky wheel gets the grease” philosophy that the Costa Mesa City Council members have been so quick to adopt. Unfortunately, when a few people, or even just one person, speak their mind, new policy is enacted. This is not the fault of the City Council. It is the fault of the people who are not standing up and having their voices heard. It is my belief that the City Council members do have the best interests of the community in mind.

Monahan’s modified plan was a blessing to Mansoor’s poorly thought-out plan. I hope Mansoor thanked him repeatedly. The idea of checking the immigration status of someone who is already in jail will work fine. This type of policy should not divide the community, and it should quell some of the “us versus them” feelings that Latinos already feel. It will not be overnight, but Monahan’s plan will work for the community.

Costa Mesa is still a beautiful city rich with history, beauty and diversity. We have the South Coast Plaza and the Orange County Performing Arts Center on the north end of town. For those who enjoy diversity, we have the west end of town, where people come from all over Orange County for food. We have beautiful parks and a small-town atmosphere that is rarely found anywhere else in Orange County. If soccer games and pushcart vendors are the big issues in town, I think we should be grateful.

I understand the frustrations of those who have seen Costa Mesa change over the years. Costa Mesa has changed, but history has shown that change is inevitable. Costa Mesa will not be what it was 50 or even 20 years ago. That is an unreasonable demand to place on the City Council. Those who are not open to change will be consumed by it. We have a good City Council, and they are looking out for the community. Thank you, Gary Monahan, for ensuring that.


Costa Mesa
