
Getting a fresh start in a brand new year

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READY by SJAnother fresh new year is here ...

Another year to live!

To banish worry, doubt, and fear,

To love and laugh and give!

This bright new year is given me

To live each day with zest ...

To daily grow and try to be

My highest and my best!

I have the opportunity

Once more to right some wrongs,

To pray for peace, to plant a tree,

And sing more joyful songs!


Another new year is almost here.

When the clock strikes 12 tonight, people everywhere will cheer, kiss and hug each other and wish one another a happy New Year. Certainly, many people won’t stay up until midnight and will instead go to bed when they are tired, secure in the knowledge that they can officially greet the new year when they awake.

As we take down our old calendars and put up the new, we will be saying goodbye to the old year, and saying hello to the fresh new one ahead of us.

Besides taking down our old calendars, we will take down, wrap up and put away our holiday decorations. One of the first things I get out as part of the Christmas celebrations and one of the last things I put away for a year is my Christmas music. I don’t like it when I hear Christmas carols before the end of November, because I want to focus on Thanksgiving, but once December arrives, I am ready for all the well known and well loved Christmas music.


I knew that our granddaughter Mary loved music, but she showed me this year just how much the love of music is a part of who Mary is at her core.

My husband, Jon, and I joined our daughter, Kelly, her husband, Ryan, and their daughters Mary and Aubrey this Christmas at the church in Laguna that they attended when they lived in the area. It’s a delightful church, where everybody seems to know each other. The music was great, and because it was Christmas Day, we sang many wonderful Christmas carols.

The moment each song ended, Mary said, “More,” like she was asking for more singing. I looked over at her during the songs, and her face was one big smile. She isn’t old enough to know the words, but she knows she loves music.

After the last song, Mary sat up straight, held her little arms up in the air and cheered, “Oh yea!” loud enough for everyone to hear.

The pastor joined us all as we laughed, and then he said, “That’s right, when we sing, we are saying, ‘Oh Yea!’ to God.”

Mary and music seem to have always been a natural pair. Mary’s parents not only sing to her when they get her ready for bed, they also sing during the day and have songs for other events during her day, such as when it is time for her hands and face to be cleaned or for her to be changed. They also have music in their house and in their car. Mary often asks us to sing to her when there are quiet moments, and she will often tell us which songs she wants.

I’ve thought about Mary’s excitement over music several times since she voiced it Christmas morning and again when I found the quote at the top of today’s column.

Another fresh new year is here. We have the opportunity to live each day with zest, to right some wrongs and to sing joyful songs.

We have another year to live, and, using Mary’s words, let’s say, “Oh yea!” to God.

And you can quote me on that.

* CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON is a Newport Beach resident who speaks frequently to parenting groups. She may be reached via e-mail at or through the mail at 537 Newport Center Drive, Box 505, Newport Beach, CA 92660.

