
Work on Flamingo Road continues

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WHAT: Restoration of infrastructure damaged in the June 1 landslide in Bluebird Canyon.

WHAT’S BEHIND IT: Twenty-two homes were damaged in the landslide, at least 11 irreparably.

The canyon was evacuated with no loss of life, and most of the 350 families were back in their homes within 48 hours.

Winterization of the slope to forestall further erosion and protect the property above the headscarp -- the top of the slide area -- was the first priority. Permanent repairs will begin after the winter rainy season ends.

WHAT NOW: Community Recovery Coordinator Bob Burnham reported on Jan. 13 that the first of four sections of the shoring wall on the uphill side of the former drainage course is completed, 75% of the second section is done and the third and fourth sections are about 50% complete.


Most of the grading for winterization has been completed, with more material removed recently to reduce the load on the shoring wall.

Stabilization of the headscarp is moving ahead rapidly, according to Burnham.

All caissons have been installed, and the crews are quickly installing the tiebacks.

Agreement has been reached with the owner of 1000 Flamingo Road to share the costs of the temporary shoring of the foundation that the Federal Emergency Management Agency does not fund, although Burnham anticipates full reimbursement by FEMA.

The owner also committed to the dedication of approximately 600 feet of the property needed to realign Flamingo Road.

Prequalification guidelines for bidders on the Flamingo Road project have been published and work is underway on the final grading plan as well as bid documents.

WHAT’S SAID: “We encountered a potentially serious problem when some wall creep was detected [right after the first of the year],” Burnham reported.

“We immediately backfilled the areas near the center with the greatest exposure and have focused our drilling on the east end where the load is substantially less. Our survey this morning [Jan. 13] revealed no movement.”

WHAT’S NEXT: Burnham expects to make a presentation to design review board in February, and the City Council will be asked to approve the plans and specifications when they award the restoration contract.

-- Barbara Diamond
