
Paper does not owe an apology

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When I read the article about the hiring of the new police officer who was involved in the Inglewood incident, I thought it was information that the Huntington Beach community should know (“Police hire officer linked to beating,” Jan. 19). I’m sure Police Chief Kenneth Small made the right decision; that’s what we pay him to do. I think hiring experienced officers, as the chief stated, was wise to do. It reduces the training time, not to mention the cost savings we (city residents) see.

However, I thought Kreg Muller’s “Sounding Off” in the Jan. 26 Independent, was one-sided and biased. Why, you ask? Of course Muller, the president of the Huntington Beach Police Officers Assn., would defend Bijan Darvish. I’m glad Muller is not our chief.

Do I have a concern about Huntington Beach’s hiring a police officer from the Inglewood incident? No. Do I have a concern about Muller? Yes. My question to Muller and Small is this: Why was Darvish’s back to the incident? Did Darvish know what was occurring and keep his back turned in order not to be involved, so he wouldn’t have to file a report against a fellow officer who obviously was in the wrong? Any good officer should always be aware of his or her surroundings. So why was Darvish not aware?


Last year, I was a witness to and involved in an incident on Main Street. In a discussion with a few of our Huntington Beach officers afterward, I told one of the officers I thought the Police Department handled the situation poorly and the incident was made worse by the actions of two officers. I heard one officer mutter, “Criticized if you do and criticized if you don’t.”

I hope there is a probation period during which Darvish’s performance will be reviewed to determine if he fits into the Huntington Beach Police Department. I’m sure he is an outstanding officer, and I hope he does not have a bad attitude. Obviously, Darvish must still enjoy being a police officer, even after all he has been through. I hope Darvish does not have his back turned all the time and has the guts to report on any wrongdoings of fellow officers.

Welcome aboard, Officer Darvish, and good luck. Maybe I’ll see you downtown sometime.

* CHUB DOMOTOR is a Huntington Beach resident. To contribute to “Sounding Off,” e-mail us at or fax us at (714) 966-4667.
