
February brings accelerated growth

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“To be interested in the changing seasons is ... a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with spring.”

-- George Santayana

“If winter comes, can spring be far behind?”

-- Percy Bysshe Shelley

The calendar indicates that we still have six weeks to wait until the official start of spring (we have completed 41 days of winter as of today). Nearly three weeks have gone by since it last rained. Subtle signs of the change in the seasons are appearing throughout Laguna. Deciduous trees, like the sycamore and elm, are beginning to leaf out under mainly sunny skies, and Catharine’s Mutabilis rose has already begun to display its bountiful blooms.

Spring is in the air in Laguna -- a time for growth and flowers. Winter has yet to arrive, but words such as dormant spray and bareroot roses will leave our vocabulary soon. Fertilize everything including shrubs, trees, perennials and the lawn. This is the time of rapid growth, and adding extra nutrients will enhance the beauty of your plants.


About the only problem a gardener may face are those plants that you intended to plant, but you’ve been too busy golfing or playing tennis. If you still have Maui onions and bareroot roses in plastic bags, they must be planted -- now! -- before it is too late. This also applies to berries, artichokes, and the remaining spring bulbs sitting in the garage. Check with your local nursery if you have forgotten what you were supposed to do with them.

Of course, the planting of tomatoes and herbs needn’t be hurried; the skies may become cloudy and chilly nights may still be lurking. After all, the days still belong to February. If you plant too early, your plants may be lost to the cold. Be a little patient, and your crops will arrive just a little later. Of course, there is always the rush to see who has the first home-grown tomato.

The advantages of planting in mid-February are obvious -- longer days and warmer sunlight. Once in the ground, plants have a full season’s growth before they enter their first winter after transplanting. But sometimes, due to other imperative spring work (like taxes), it is simply impossible to complete all of your garden plans. Relax, this is Laguna and we can plant the year around!

The azaleas and camellias were particularly lovely this winter and are now reaching their peak flowering period. Old camellia flowers should be raked up and destroyed to prevent flower blight next season. Once all of the blooms are spent, fertilize both plants with a complete fertilizer for acid-loving plants. Finally, mulch the shade beds with azalea mix, peat moss, or leaf mold.

Valentine’s Day, need I remind you my friends, arrives next Tuesday. It is the day we proclaim the love we hold for that special someone. Catharine and I will celebrate at home, to avoid the rush and crush of going out. There won’t be diamonds this year, instead I’ll say, “I love you,” and mean it more than ever. See you next time.

* Steve Kawaratani is married to local writer, Catharine Cooper, and has two cats. He can be reached at 497.2438, or E-mail to

