
Tech center gets medical

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So, the Newport Technology Center has been bought by a Hoag Hospital partner, ending its years-long run as at least seeming like the secondmost-empty commercial property in the community. (One guess which is No. 1.)

The good news is that the planned medical use of the center is one that everyone in the community can get behind -- it’s not often you have members of the controlledgrowth Greenlight group and members of the Newport Beach City Council agreeing on an issue.

“This is a classic example of the smart growth we favor,” said Phil Arst, a Greenlight leader.


“That’s a perfect use for that property,” Councilman Steve Rosansky said.

Count us among those pleased that the center is getting a good use, even if we’re also among the wistful, considering what could have been had the Pilot moved into offices there -- so near the beach, the peninsula and the harbor.

Actually, maybe it’s best we ended up where we did -- we do need to get a paper out each day.
