
City should enforce immigration laws

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I’m shocked that Huntington Beach is not only tolerating criminal behavior but inviting it.

Nacho Serrano of the Luis Ochoa Community Job Center said that his staffers would not turn away illegal immigrants from the job center. This means that the city is condoning illegal behavior by allowing people from another country to steal jobs away from our legal residents and citizens, especially teens and older workers.

I disagree with Huntington Beach Police Chief Ken Small’s remark that “federal immigration laws are best enforced by federal officials.”


It’s obvious to everyone who picks up a newspaper that the federal government has failed us. Our borders are out of control, and that’s why we have over 2.2 million illegal aliens in California alone, straining our healthcare systems, schools and housing.

The chief may not know it, but local police have the authority to enforce immigration laws. Section 133 of the 1996 Illegal Immigration and Immigrant Responsibility Act specifically gives them this authority.

The chief says that his department just doesn’t have the officers. If his department is stretched, why not ask for volunteers? We have many groups of citizens who volunteer to various city departments, including the police department.

Costa Mesa is merely training some of its officers to enforce immigration laws when a major crime is committed. As Huntington Beach’s top law enforcement officer, Chief Small has the responsibility to enforce the law and control crime. He can meet his responsibility by employing Costa Mesa’s plan.

Finally, I laud Councilman Hansen’s statement that he supports steps “to battle illegal immigration.” I call on him to take the lead and form a special task force.

* Mike Palikan is a Huntington Beach resident. To contribute to “Sounding Off,” e-mail us at or fax us at (714) 966-4667.
