
Alone in a sea of emerald green

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From where I sit now in the south of Chile a left point of 12-15 foot waves reels magic. I count a stack of eight waves that line the ocean as far out as a half mile.

With only one surfer out, Mother Ocean is more than alive and well today. She is singing a beautiful chorus of majestic emerald green waves that one could ride for what seems like miles.With geese flying high over the back of the waves, the offshore winds blow a cascading white breath of mist from atop the waves.

High above this left point of magic lies a forest of fine-smelling pine trees; a man rides by on a black horse that gallops through the wet black sand.


Just another day in the pristine life of a Chilean local ? and worlds away from the home that I know and love in Laguna Beach.

I think of family and friends wishing that all could experience this scenic paradise by the sea. Perhaps it will be through the words I carefully choose that you will find this same feeling of joy I am trying to convey.

In this captured moment of a personal journey, my mind is free of all the clutter of a faster-paced existence ? one that is judged on the number of zeros attached to one’s bank account.

Here in the south of Chile, one survives off of the land in the old fashioned way of fishing and farming.

A charming and simple way of life becomes so complex that we forget about the environmental cost as we continue to forge ahead in the name of progress.

Maybe it’s better to be rich in life than miserable in the sequence of zeros.

