
Harman should have won outright

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Well, it’s still too early to try to wrap up the 35th District state Senate race. But based just on the close race between Republicans Diane Harkey and Tom Harman, this much can be said:

It’s not that Harkey performed well in the race; Harman, rather, did poorly. I know Harkey spent a bunch of money and ran an aggressive (or negative) campaign, but Harman as a veteran politician should have responded more smartly and been able to blow away an unknown like Harkey. He should have been able to shift the discussion away from illegal immigration (without dismissing its importance) and focus on other issues where his experience is.

Even with Harkey getting all the GOP endorsements, Harman should have been able to run away with the race. And he should have found some way to get more people out to the polls.


We’ll see what happens when the count is done.

Closer to home, I had breakfast on Wednesday with Newport Beach’s newest member of the City Council, Keith Curry.

First off, I want to quote from someone: “How are you in dealing with people, one-on-one, not in a business environment?? I want you to take your business hat off.”

That was Councilman Tod Ridgeway on the night the council appointed Curry. I think it was a spot-on comment, because Curry obviously knows his stuff ? he’s the managing director of Public Financial Management Inc., which does financial consulting for state and local governments ? but a member of the council has to connect with people to do the job and, perhaps more important, get reelected.

Now, this is purely my impression, but I found Curry personable and engaged in our discussion. He doesn’t seem to have Ridgeway’s looseness and laissez faire attitude, but that might be much to expect from someone sitting down for the first lengthy time with a particular journalist. I’d be relatively careful what I’d say, too, in that situation.

(OK, those people who know me probably know I wouldn’t manage to be relatively careful and would say something that would land me in hot water. But that’s why I’m on this side of the newspaper.)

The breakfast wasn’t just schmoozing though. Curry laced through Newporters for Responsible Government’s municipal debt initiative, pointing out what he sees as many and serious flaws.

I’m certain Curry will be repeating his position plenty of other places during the coming months, and I expect the Pilot will be looking at the issue, as well, but I’ll try to summarize a few things quickly:
