
Library gift had no strings

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I wish to clarify any misunderstandings regarding John and Donna Crean’s generous gift to the new Mariners library named in their honor.

It has been my privilege to have known and worked with the Creans for many years. They support many worthwhile causes and activities with their time and money. Never have they expected special consideration or favorable treatment of any kind in return for their generosity. They give because they care about their community. Their home on the Back Bay is always open and utilized by many philanthropic groups.

It is unfortunate that there is a misperception that John and Donna Crean’s donation could in any way be connected to a favorable placement of a horse trail in the Upper Newport Bay area. As the honorary chairwoman of the fund-raising committee for the library, I can assure everyone, without qualification, this is not the case. In fact, it is an affront to their many acts of charity.



Newport Beach
