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George Lance has the perfect seat as he paints the Back Bay for art class as a canoeist from Newport Aquatic Center paddles by. It’s the perfect example of a weather photograph that many staff photographers are sent out to capture. If the weather is unusual compared to recent days, editors might decide to do a story on the weather or ask for a weather shot. This past week, the weather in Southern California has been sunny and warm ? perfect days for outdoor activities. Staff photographer Don Leach, the seasoned veteran that he is, knew to wander around and look for a photograph that depicted the nice day. On a trip to the Back Bay, Don was fortunate to find a painting class taking place, as well as a canoeist paddling by in the background.

? By Mark Dustindpt.04-photo-week-CPhotoInfoG31RKMM220060604j03xvtncDON LEACH / DAILY PILOT(LA)George Lance paints the Back Bay as part of an art class. Warm, sunny weather should continue throughout the week.
