
Three veteran teachers set to retire

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The closing of this school year will mark a special occasion for Top of the World Elementary School as three teachers with a collective 110 years experience retire.

Having outlived lunchbox styles of metal to plastic to vinyl, many things about their jobs have changed, but all three say the best things have stayed the same.

Carolyn Delano, Myrna Heitel and Lois Rake will soon add their names to a commemorative plaque in the school’s main entrance.


Second-grade teacher Rake began teaching at Top of the World in 1967.

While looking forward to a quieter pace of life, Rake said she definitely will miss her job.

“There’s nothing better than seeing their little faces light up,” she said. “I am rewarded here on a daily basis.”

She has strong memories of former students, many of whom have gone on to successful careers in just about every industry, she said.

“I still want to see Taylor Hawkins play drums for the Foo Fighters,” she said of the rock star she taught when he was a fourth-grader. “Maybe they could play at our retirement party.”

Upon retirement, she hopes to impart her teaching craft part-time to college students.

“I think unless you do something a long time, you don’t get it perfected,” Rake said.

Rake has a 31-year-old son.

Delano began her career at Top of the World in 1970.

During the course of her career, she has taught kindergarten and grades three, six, seven and eight. She now has a class of first-graders.

“I’m going to miss the cute things they say and the way their eyes light up when they’re learning,” Delano said.

She looks forward to a life of reading, relaxation, exercise, classes and travel but also said she will miss her students.

Delano has two sons ages 17 and 22.

Heitel began her Top of the World career school in 1971.

As a kindergarten teacher, she is with her favorite age group.

“I have truly loved my career and never thought about doing anything other than teaching. I have no regrets,” Heitel said.

Through the years, she said much has changed in her job.

“When I first started teaching it was through teamwork. Now it’s more of a solo operation. We’re more accountable for the learning than we used to be.”

Heitel’s advice to new teachers is to come in and do everything in their power to make the curriculum as interesting and exciting as they can.

When she retires, Heitel said she will pursue interests in arts and music.

“All the things I haven’t had the time for I’m looking forward to,” she said.

Heitel is married and has two daughters at the high school.

“They’re all wonderful,” said the school’s receptionist Claudia Redfern. “Memories of them will linger here.” cpt.16-retire-CPhotoInfo0T1S07TM20060616j05nm0ncDAN BEIGHLEY / COASTLINE PILOT(LA)Clockwise from top left, teachers Lois Rake, Carolyn Delano and Myrna Heitel get ready to say goodbye to Top of the World School.
