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I love fuchsias. I bought my first fuchsia from my sixth-grade teacher who was a member of the Fuchsia Society. I buy new ones every year, and they get fuchsia mites every year. I would like to know if there are any preventive measures I can take. And what do I do to get rid of them?

Louise Lee

Newport Beach

Fuchsia gall mite is a devastating problem.

Fuchsia gall mites, Aculops fuchsiae, are so small that well over a thousand of them, marching single file in a line, would barely reach an inch. This mite was first discovered in Brazil in 1972 and showed up in California in 1981. Three years ago it was discovered in Europe for the first time, near Brittany, France.

If you discover an infected plant, cut off the tips several inches below the infected portion. Do not touch another part of the fuchsia with your hands or pruning tools without thoroughly washing your hands and tools first. Then you will need to spray the plant. My friend, Mel Knutson of the Orange County Fuchsia Society, recommends Sevin insecticide. For organic gardeners, Hot Pepper Wax can also be used.


You will need to spray religiously on a twice-per-week schedule for at least four weeks. The applications need to be very thorough, covering every leaf and stem, top and bottom.

If the plant is badly infected and there are other fuchsias in your garden it’s often better to dispose of the plant entirely. If doing so, remember to wash you hands before heading back out into the garden.

? Ron Vanderhoff, the Coastal Gardener
