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We feel that Bill Ficker’s proposal is an excellent one. In driving past the site this morning, we believe the location is ideal as opposed to the current City Hall location, which is inconvenient and congested. The traffic on the peninsula is terrible, especially during the summer months. This proposed site is centrally located, easy to get to and would still offer park area north of the location. In as much as the city already owns this property, it makes sense that it be utilized for all people of Newport Beach.


Corona del Mar

Bill Ficker’s idea is all about money and the green space above the Newport Beach Central Library is priceless. I have been here since 1945 and have watched Newport use land for a short-term gain with a long-term loss. Leave it as a park for millions of people over the years who drive by or enjoy the park.


Newport Beach

Putting the city hall on the vacant land on Avocado Avenue is an excellent idea. Centrally located, easy to find, less expensive and a good location for city employees to enjoy. The site is very mediocre as a park site. Too far from housing, too narrow and topographically challenging.



Newport Beach

What a grand plan Bill Ficker has offered! I’m all for it. Get those bodies off the Balboa Peninsula where there’s so much congestion and to the center of our city where there’s much more access and a view.

Thanks to Bill Ficker! May your creative ideas prevail.


Newport Beach

I enthusiastically support Bill Ficker’s proposal for a new city hall in Newport Beach on Avocado Avenue.

It makes so much sense to have it there because the city already owns the land; it is centrally located at Newport Center; it has easy access off either MacArthur Boulevard or Avocado Avenue; it is right next door to the Central Library (grouping of key municipal facilities); the site is large enough to accommodate single-story construction, which is much more convenient and affordable to build; and the site will have dramatic ocean views and sunsets. It will be the pride of Newport Beach.

Also, with the sale proceeds from the current City Hall land, this new, much-needed city hall would cost the taxpayers nothing to build.

A city hall at this site is much better than the proposed park, which will get relatively little use. I hope that Jan Vandersloot, Jean Watt, Debra Allen and the others who have been supporting a park at this site realize the merit of Ficker’s brilliant idea.

To Mayor Don Webb, the City Council and City Manager Homer Bludau, please give this site your favorable consideration and try your best to figure out how to make it work.

If another park is really needed in the Newport Center ? and I doubt it is ? I hope you can find another location for it.

Perhaps if the sale proceeds for the current City Hall land exceed the construction costs of the new city hall, that amount can be allocated to construct and maintain the proposed Newport Center Park ? just build the park at a different location.


Newport Beach
