
THE LAST WORD:Roadwork is no jamboree occasion

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We’ve been caught in it.

Have you?

Road work being done at Ford Road is forcing some closures on Jamboree Road, and the results, while not horrific, are enough to cause a flare-up in a certain vein in one’s forehead. You know the one ? it’s the same one that pulses with blood when someone cuts you off.

Such roadwork may be the best example of a two-edged sword for city officials. They get the work done ? hurray! ? but not without the pain of congestion, detours and general low-level misery for residents ? boo! (The Ford Road work includes new pavement, redone medians and a bigger northbound left turn lane, all of which will be improvements.)

You have to hand it to city officials, though. It is smart of them to get the work done in September, well before the fall election, when another Greenlight vote is on the ballot. You definitely don’t want someone getting caught in traffic on the way to the polls.
