
Mansoor tops campaign funds

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Costa Mesa Mayor Allan Mansoor and Planning Commissioner Bruce Garlich have raised the most money so far in November’s City Council race.

Mansoor has gathered $20,863 in donations and Garlich has raised $17,799, according to campaign finance reports, which were due Monday from all candidates and committees that have raised funds from Jan. 1 to June 30.

Business owner Mirna Burciaga has raised $4,359 and Parks and Recreation Commissioner Wendy Leece has collected $3,360.


The reports were filed at the city clerk’s office Monday.

Former Councilman Mike Scheafer submitted a campaign finance report but has not raised any funds yet.

All are vying for two open seats on the council. Councilman Gary Monahan is vacating his seat because he is termed out. Mansoor holds the other seat.

The largest donations reported include $5,000 for Mansoor from William E. Broza, a Washington Mutual loan consultant, and $10,000 for Garlich from the Westside Group, a political action committee. The group is made up of residents and business owners whose goal is to revitalize the Westside.

Notable donors include Gun Owners of California who donated $500 to the mayor’s campaign. Mansoor also received $1,500 from The Family Action, a political action committee.

The Orange County chapter of the National Women’s Political Caucus contributed $200 to Burciaga’s election.

Garlich, who ran unsuccessfully for council in 2004, believes he has a good chance this year.

“The last time I lost the seat by 44 votes. This time I’m not going to lose,” Garlich said.
