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How sad for me to return from a trip to visit my mom and read about the unnecessary killing of young Israel Maciel and the gunshot wounds to four of his friends. I can only imagine the pain and agony the family (20-year residents of Costa Mesa) is feeling. I am so sorry.

I read, with great disgust, the comments from “Minuteman” Mayor Allan Mansoor. I often witness his callousness and insensitivity during study sessions and council meetings, so unfortunately, I was not surprised with what I read. Mansoor and his string of puppets are on a mission to divide Costa Mesa and pit neighbor against neighbor, and they will not be happy until we are one big “lily white” community. What’s particularly upsetting to me is that Mansoor is an Orange County Sheriff’s deputy working in the county jail. I find it frightening that someone as cold as he is a law enforcement agent who might be inclined to find an individual guilty until proven innocent.

As a mayor who alleges he’s concerned about gang activity in Costa Mesa, he should have supported additional gang task-force officers to the Police Department instead of voting against it and claiming he wants to hire a new police chief.


Beware of Allan Mansoor! I recommend residents monitor the following issues because if he can figure out a way to win his reelection and manage to get his wanna-be sidekick, Wendy Leece, elected, he’ll have the three votes he needs to close the golf course; not allow our children to play ball in our neighborhood parks; end any intramural sports now being played on elementary school campuses; charge for concerts in the park; and get his plan to make every Costa Mesa Police officer an immigration agent passed.

  • LINDA DIXON is a Costa Mesa city councilwoman.
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