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I’ve done my fair share of dumb things in my life.

In fact, I remember back some 25 or 30 years ago, maybe more. I believe it was a Thanksgiving dinner.

All dressed up, my brother and sisters, mom and dad headed over to my grandmother’s house. Once there, we were joined by my aunt and uncle and three cousins.

We were all very close.

My grandmother lived in a beautiful place in a great part of old Oakland. Her home was exquisite with original Oriental rugs, antique furniture and beautiful decor. It was the kind of home you’d see in a magazine.


Perhaps the highlight, however, was her dining room table, that when fully unveiled for a night like this was unmatched. Beautiful china, lace table cloths, silver candelabras and ornate silverware with more spoons and forks, plates and glasses than a young person seemed to know what to do with.

But one of the things I found most spectacular on her table were the individual miniature silver pepper shakers and salt bowls that fronted each place setting. Of course, the salt bowls came complete with miniature silver spoons.

So imagine this, the family has just come to the table. My uncle has just led us in prayer.

The wine is being poured, my dad begins carving the meat, and the many bowls of vegetables, potatoes, salads, and so forth are being passed around.

Suddenly an idea!

I looked down at the salt bowl in front on me, grab it and pull it close.

I then yell in excitement to the entire room, “Gram, you shouldn’t have!”

I then proceed to raise the spoon like a back alley druggie would, fill it with the contents from the bowl and snort a load up each nostril.

Now remember, this is a formal table we’re talking about.

My brothers, sisters and cousins almost fall out of their chairs to the floor with laughter. My parents and aunt and uncle join in.

My aging grandmother looks on almost paralyzed and confused, like “What is going on?”

My eyes water profusely and my nasal passages burn. I even remember coughing as I held back the signs of pain and joined in the laughter.

Even though it brought great laughter, in hindsight, it was probably somewhat questionable timing.

Years later when my grandmother passed away, guess who inherited those little pepper shakers, salt bowls and spoons?

You got that right, me. My family wouldn’t let me forget it.

Which brings me the long way around to my point today, which is Costa Mesa Mayor Allan Mansoor.

We all know by now that our fair mayor did something dumb this past week. He attempted to stick his over-sized foot down his undersized mouth.

I guess it’s hard to say undersized mouth when you make comments like he did.

But after the unfortunate shooting of five young people in Costa Mesa, his city, the mayor made insensitive comments about gangs, soup kitchens and job centers that had nothing to do with the shooting.

One person lies dead, four others injured and hospitalized.

Our mayor goes on the political stump. Stupid!

The only identification of the shooter was a white male with a shaved head and goatee. Hardly the kind of person I remember our mayor trying to rid the city of.

It takes a big man to admit to his mistakes. As I said on the front end, I know, I’ve done many and admitted to most.

We’re waiting, Mr. Mayor. It’s your turn. Do the right thing for the families involved and for the city you represent.

There’ll be a time down the road when you can get back to spewing your dislike for the faction of people you claim ruin your city.

Don’t make us wait until November.

  • TOM JOHNSON is the publisher.
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