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I began corresponding with Erin Kennedy over the summer, and in early September, my Italian vacation included a visit with her in Naples. With my traveling companion, we shared beer, tea and gelato in a cafe and had great conversation for over three hours.

Erin is a charming, intelligent and adventurous young lady. Her accounts of her many enterprising activities, whether exploring on her own or living her romantic dream with Renato, were nothing but delightful.

I will miss her commentary in the Daily Pilot but hope that all her wishes come true and that she will fill her “blank pages” of life with confidence, enthusiasm and passion.



Newport Beach

I am writing in the hopes that you would be able to pass along my thanks to Erin Kennedy for sharing her adventures in Europe with Daily Pilot readers. I started reading her column weekly when I subscribed to the Daily Pilot about three months ago. At the time, I had just returned from a trip to Europe, and her stories were a nice reminder of those good times.

Reading her final column last week, I felt the sadness she must have felt leaving Italy. I wish her luck wherever she may end up. And please let her know that I’m rooting for her and Renato.


Lake Forest
