
POLITICAL NOTEBOOK:GOP plans early victory party

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Laguna Beach Republicans will hold a “Pre-election Victory Party” from 5:30 to 8 p.m., Oct. 12 at the 2830 Park Place, almost a month before the national and local elections on Nov. 7.

The party will celebrate the “elections” of their endorsed candidates, which includes Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and other Republican candidates for state offices.

Locally, the group recommends voting only for Kelly Boyd and Elizabeth Pearson-Schneider in the City Council race.


Refreshments will be served.

A donation of $30 per person or $40 per family may be made to the local group. The PAC identification number is 1228714.

To RSVP, visit web site or call (949) 494-6616.


Council candidates had a good turnout for the Laguna North neighborhood group, or LANO, forum, with an estimated 60-70 people in the audience, but no endorsements — a LANO policy.

Candidates Boyd, Toni Iseman, Verna Rollinger each spoke for five minutes and then responded to questions. Anne Johnson subbed for Pearson-Schneider, who was out of town.

“It was very informal,” said LANO Director-at-large Bette Anderson, the official time-keeper.

LANO President Don Knapp moderated.

The forum was held at Wells Fargo Bank.


Incumbent Pearson-Schneider will host a “Meet and Greet” from 4 to 6 p.m., Thursday at The Old Pottery Place, 1200 South Coast Highway.

The cost is $15 per person for those who have not already donated the maximum $350 to Pearson-Schneider’s campaign. Max donors are invited to attend as her guests.

Tuesday is the deadline to RSVP to (49) 497-5334.

Diamond Crestview residents Sally Wilde and Diane Kramer will host a Coffee For Verna at 10 a.m., Oct. 21. They advise people to plan to walk. Parking is limited in the area.

For more information, call (949) 494-2450 or 497-2809.

Candidates Forum Calendar

  • Saturday — Arts Alliance Council Candidates’ Forum, 10 a.m., Laguna Playhouse
  • Tuesday — Council Candidates forum sponsored by League of Women Voters, Laguna Beach Unit/Laguna Beach Seniors Inc./Laguna Beach Woman’s Club/American Association of University Women, Laguna Beach Branch, 7 p.m., City Council Chambers. To be broadcast live from 7 to 8:30 p.m., on Channel 30 and rebroadcast, same time and channel on Oct. 18 and Nov.1.
  • Questions submitted in advance will not be given to the candidates in advance. Questions will be taken from the floor.

  • Wednesday — School Board candidates’ forum, co-sponsored by PTA and League of Women Voters, 7 to 8:30 p.m. at Top of the World Elementary School, 21601 Tree Top Lane.
  • Oct. 16 — Top of the World and Temple Hills neighborhood associations City Council candidates’ forum, 7:30 p.m., City Council Chambers
  • Oct. 23 and 29 — noon to 1 p.m., televised Cox Candidates Forum on Channel 1, taped Tuesday.

  • Information of general interest about the election or about forums may be mailed to the Laguna Beach Coastline Pilot, P.O. Box 248, Laguna Beach, 92652; faxed to (949) 494-8979; or e-mailed to
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