
EDITORIAL:Voters should attend forums

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A number of important issues relating to the future of Huntington Beach were center stage during a candidate forum held a week ago at the Murdy Community Center. Chief among them were the proposed senior center, which dominated the discussion, and the pending lawsuit regarding the city’s mobile-home ordinance.

The problem with the debate? There were just 50 people there to watch six of the seven candidates discuss the issues. Fortunately, those 50 represented a cross-section of nonprofit organizations in town, and they can report back to their groups about what they heard.

But nothing replaces hearing and seeing the candidates in person. And certainly more than 50 people in town ought to do that.


They ought to come to a debate to hear a discussion about the proposed senior center, which would be built in Central Park if voters approve Measure T. They should hear more about the city’s mobile-home ordinance and what candidates think of the Poseidon desalination plant or how best to redevelop aging areas of the city.

But they won’t know what the candidates think of these issues if they don’t see them. Mailers are often well spun to a candidate’s advantage. There is a greater chance of hearing a candidate’s message unvarnished during a debate than elsewhere.

There are still opportunities left to attend forums, and all Huntington Beach voters should take advantage of them: Oct. 17, the League of Women Voters of Huntington Beach and American Assn. of University of Westminster-Fountain Valley-Huntington Beach will hold a forum at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall; Oct. 18, Sunrise Rotary will hold a forum at 7 a.m. at Meadowlark Golf Course Center (upstairs), 16782 Graham St.; Oct. 18, Huntington Harbour Republican Women’s Club will hold a forum with selected Republican candidates at 5:30 p.m. at Hotel Huntington Beach; and Oct. 24, Huntington Beach Kiwanis Club will hold a debate at 11:45 a.m. at Meadowlark Golf Course Center.



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