
CITYSCAPE ROUNDUP:Village Laguna to hold dinner

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Village Laguna will contribute the balance of the $10,000 it gives annually to community groups and causes — about 25% of the organization’s budget — at a potluck dinner meeting at 6:30 p.m. Monday in the Wells Fargo Bank Community Room, 260 Ocean Ave., third floor.

Representatives of the organizations receiving donations will be present, and their members are invited to the dinner.

“We know that all community groups contribute to making Laguna a special place but that some need help to help others,” said Anne Caenn, Village Laguna president.


The dinner will enable Village Laguna members to become acquainted with other community groups and their members, learn more about how they make a difference, and discover whether they might want to become more involved with them. The public is invited to attend.

Groups receiving Village Laguna financial support this year include Even Start, Friendship Shelter, Friends of the Library, Boys and Girls Club, Community Clinic, Historical Society, Laguna Beach Seniors, Laguna Shanti, Laguna Greenbelt, Laguna Art Museum, Laguna Resource Center and the Surfrider Foundation. Village Laguna already contributed to the annual scholarship fund, Top of the World Jogathon, Laguna Creek restoration project, Schoolpower and to various causes supported by the Laguna Beach Exchange Club.

The group also sponsors a team in the annual American Cancer Society Laguna Beach Relay for Life, to be held this year on April 20-21.

Village Laguna members should bring a main dish, salad or dessert that will serve 6-8 people. Drinks and dinnerware will be provided. For more information, call Anne Caenn at (949) 376-5188 or contact via e-mail at

Seniors host Medicare information seminar

Laguna Beach Seniors, Inc. and the Council on Aging are hosting an information seminar on Medicare 2007 at 12:30 p.m. Monday at the senior center, 384 Legion St.

Medicare for 2006 is coming to a close, and there will be many changes to Medicare 2007 that beneficiaries need to be aware of to prepare for the open enrollment period coming up.

Changes to the prescription drug plans and issues with HMOs as well as cost increases will require attention and action on the part of all Medicare recipients. The open enroll- ment time for Medicare is Nov. 15 to Dec. 31.

To reserve a place at the seminar, call (949) 497-2441.

Telling your own story topic of talk

Jerry Camery-Hoggatt, storyteller and professor of narrative theology at Vanguard University, will tell some of his stories, demonstrate ways to extract meaning and offer tips on effective ways to tell your own stories at a morning talk from 10:30 a.m. to noon Sunday in the parlor at Laguna Presbyterian Church, 415 Forest Ave.

There is no charge, and participants do not need be a member of Laguna Presbyterian Church.

The parlor is located at the corner of Forest and Second Avenues.

A follow-up workshop where participants will work on telling their own stories will be held in the parlor on Sunday, Oct. 29, at 9 a.m., and again at noon. For more information, contact Kathy Sizer at (949) 494-7555.
