
GIVING THANKS:Newport-Mesa community shares its thankful thoughts

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Thanks mom and dad

What are we thankful for?

We are thankful for our daddy and mommy, our gee-gee’s; grandma and grandpa, and our papas, aunts, uncles and cousins. We love them all! Happy Turkey Day.

Page Keys, 10, and Megan Keys, 8


A Mariners thank you

Below are the writings by my third-grade students at Mariners Elementary School in Newport Beach

Pat Mclaughlin

I am thankful for what we have in our country. We have good people. We should all respect our mayor, our president, and our senators. Everybody should be thankful for God because he created this world. I think everybody should be nice to each other because then everybody would be thankful. I also think that it would be nice if everybody could help each other, so whatever you’re doing, it would go faster and that would make everybody thankful.

Avery Rowe

I am thankful for many things. I am thankful for veterans because they all fought for our delighted state. I am most thankful for everything like my family. I’m thankful for my dad because if I’m in trouble my dad is always behind my back. I’m thankful for school because it helps me read and learn, but not only that, you can play and do some math games that are fun.

Matin Bikdeli

I am thankful for a lot of things. I am most thankful for my family, my life, my friends, and for a nice teacher. I am thankful for food, plants and a beautiful house.

Zachary Mckay

I am thankful for my three dogs who died, birds, fish, sharks, whales and all animals. I am more thankful for school, books, the military, Indians and food.

Jason Arcaira

I am thankful for shelter because it protects me from the weather. I am thankful for food that keeps me going. I am thankful for clothes that keep me warm. There are so many things to be thankful for!

Kendal Marking

I am thankful for my dog. My dog is white. Her name is Polly. I am thankful for her because she gives me something to do when I get home. These are some of the things she does with me: She plays on the trampoline, and she swims too. I love my dog.

Clare Rooney

I am thankful for living here today. I am thankful for my family and friends. I am thankful for Mother Earth accepting me and my family and friends. I am thankful for everything Mother Earth has given me. I am thankful for everyone.

Marley Aragon

I am thankful for Legos, basketball, my family, food, shelter, Republicans, and many other things. There are so many things I am thankful for. I am very fortunate for everything.

Elliott Frye

I am thankful for trying my best. Thank you to all the helpful people in the country. Thank you especially to all the people keeping our country safe. Thank you for everything.

Sarali Henriquez

I am thankful for my brother and that I am going to the playoffs in soccer. Soccer is fun, and it is a sport you can learn physical skills and get exercise. My team was in first place, and we finally lost to a team named Orange Day. We won one game in the playoffs. That’s what I’m thankful for.

Chase Braun

I am most thankful for my caring loving family. I am so fortunate to have such a cozy house to live in. I am so lucky to have a smart brain and a healthy body. I am very fortunate to have all my playful friends, and I am thankful to be educated by a distinguished school. Most of all, I am thankful to be me!

Sam Launder

I am thankful to my school, my family, and soccer. I’m thankful for a lot of stuff. I’m thankful to soccer by listening to my coach and my teammates. I am thankful at my school by listening to my teacher and being nice to my friends and my teacher. I am thankful to my family by being nice. I’m thankful for my principal, and I am nice to her. I am thankful!

Peyton Jackson

I am very thankful for my family because I live with my family. My family is very massive. I have four people in my family: my mom, dad, and sister named Allison. Whenever I pass a test, my family celebrates. On the weekends, I go to my soccer games and my family cheers me on. I am very thankful for my family.

Amanda Walker

I am thankful for my dog Jack. He is the best. I am thankful for my house; I am very lucky that I get to live in one. I am thankful for my mama and my dada for being so nice. I am thankful for my sister. I am thankful for my fish. I am thankful for my food. I am so thankful for all those things.

Sofie Taddeo

I am thankful for my food. I like all food because it tastes so good. There are tomatoes and corn. I am thankful for everything.

Grace Blackman

I am thankful for cleaning my room. I always do it every Monday because my room gets vacuumed. It’s a little hard, but I try my best. My parents are proud when I do it. That’s why I’m helpful.

Henry Lyons

I am thankful that I make sure other children are not lonely on the playground.

Trent Campbell

Thankful for family, friends and ocean views

This year I am thankful for my life, my family and dear friends. The first five years of the millennium were dotted with life altering adventures. After caring for and losing both parents, I may not have sanely survived without these special individuals. They know who they are.

This past year however was one of appreciation and calm reflection. I feel renewed and blessed each day.

My work is fulfilling, and I view the ocean everyday! My two sons, grandson and his mom are close by and are dear to me. My husband, who is my best friend of 34 years, and I are still making each other laugh. The tough times are what make the good times shine. This year I feel it’s balance.

Ardith BenzmillerNewport Beach

Giving thanks in two states

I’m thankful for faith; freedom; family, i.e. Butch, Riley, Lily, and family in California and Colorado; and friends. Happy Thanksgiving with love.

Jani Wilson

Thanks to a higher power

I am very thankful for an intimate relationship with God, a restored relationship with my spouse and in-laws, and finally for a new job. Not to mention the material and physical blessing I have received this year.

Eugene HalimIrvine

Grateful for life’s blessings

Even though this is the season for thanks, I try to remember who I owe thanks to every day. I am very grateful where my life has taken me and where I stand now. My heart and thanks go to those who helped me get where I am and those who show me that friendship is the greatest gift one could have. I offer my thanks to the Lord for giving me life; my dear wife who made me realize what true love is all about; my children who make me smile and proud; all my Halecrest-Hall of Fame friends and neighbors who show that unity and community spirit are alive and living in our neighborhood; our elected city officials who I trust to make our the best city in America; and all of you who I have crossed paths with and shared even a moment of friendship. These are the reasons I do what I do.

Mike BrumbaughCosta Mesa

A Harbor View thanks

My K-1 students are thankful for many things. Thank you for considering them.

Wendy Jawor

Harbor View Elementary School

Corona del Mar

I am thankful for …

  • My dog. — Colette
  • My family. — Antonella
  • Miss Hayek. — Sophia
  • My mom. — Lauren
  • My family. — Ava
  • My parents. — Charles
  • My family. — Christopher
  • My mommy and daddy. — Piper
  • My friends. — Sophie
  • My friends and family. — Madeline
  • My family. — Ashley
  • My family. — Malia
  • Dessert. — Warren
  • Kipper, my dog. — Grant
  • My family. — Chase
  • My house and my family. — Jacob
  • My mom. — Tessa
  • My mom. — Breck
  • My family. — Grace
  • Cherishing a wonderful family this Thanksgiving

    What joy to ponder such a full list of things I’m thankful for. I cherish them all, but I want to say how thankful I am for my boys. My husband of 23 years still makes my heart flutter. He doesn’t worry about whose job is what — we just work together to get things done.

    He’s kind, grounded, deep in spirit, creative, wise, and gosh he’s even pretty funny sometimes! I’m thankful for our 18-year-old who has always been a joy; yes, even through the teen years. I love and admire him, and we all enjoy his creativity, intellect and humor. I love and am thankful for our 11-year old who loves and lives life, has a sweet heart and shares his gift of music with us.

    And last. I’m lucky to have a father-in-law who gives me the most beautiful card each holiday and makes me feel truly loved. This year as always, I’m so very thankful for my boys.

    Melody DaigleCosta Mesa

    Making a pledge to be thankful this holiday season

    With the elections immediately preceding Thanksgiving, the thoughts of turkey(s) have rattled around in my head for months. This year I’m very thankful for the blessings available to those of us who live in this best of all places.

    As I join hands with family and friends on Thursday to give thanks for our meal, I will say a special word for those misguided young people at Orange Coast College who feel it is appropriate to repudiate the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag. I hope, on this day of thanksgiving, they will realize just how much they have for which to be thankful and recant. I will also say a special thanks for those wonderful young men and women in uniform around the world who volunteer to defend this country. Regardless how one feels about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, those young people are doing the very best they can for us and deserve our prayers, gratitude and support. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.

    Geoff WestCosta Mesa

    Thanks to a special mom

    This Thursday we will give special thanks for our loving mother. Her name is Mary Virginia Park. She is 79, and we will honor her for her dedication to all 12 of us. She was always there for each and every one of us. She did all the things that moms do and much more.

    While we were growing up, she was faced not only with raising a large family, but at one time or another some of us became very sick, including myself. She made it through each of these many trials and always made it look easy. She never stopped and never quit until everyone was taken care of.

    My husband and I now return our love and care for mom in our home. This Thursday we will honor her for her love and dedication to us all as she sits at the head of our family Thanksgiving table.

    We love you, Mom.

    Kathy Park BellNewport Beach

    Grateful for a mother-in-law

    My mother-in-law: She is always there whether I call her or not and is ready to pitch in and make my life easier. Thank you, Marilyn!

    I am thankful that my children are so thoughtful and show me that they appreciate me — even at the ages of 18 and 20. Thank you, Joshua and Sarah! I am thankful that my husband still calls me beautiful. Thank you, Jerry! I am thankful we live in such a wonderful community. Life’s good.

    Andrea HughesNewport Beach

    Giving thanks for Uncle Art’s unending generosity

    Everyone should have an Uncle Art. As a matter of fact, anyone in my life who has heard of him asks if they can be related to him. Uncle Art is hands-down the most generous human being I know, and I want to dedicate this Thanksgiving and this short article to him.

    Uncle Art’s generosity stems from before I was born. As a child I was always reminded how he stepped in to help raise and support both my mother and her sister (my aunt), after the premature deaths of their parents. Uncle Art never married and did not have children, but he chose to support his two nieces from a very young age. He dedicated his life to looking after them and continues to do so today.

    My first encounter with Uncle Art’s generosity came during my elementary school days, when a UPS truck unexpectedly delivered a brand new Macintosh IIe computer. Uncle Art felt that the world would one day rely on computers and that I should learn early to use one. How right he was! In fact Uncle Art has been responsible for every computer I have owned since my first Mac.

    Uncle Art’s generosity is by no means material. All that he has done for me has been in the name of education. He always says that he wants to be remembered as the “education uncle.” The computers are only the beginning. When I was accepted and chose to attend Brandeis University in Boston, the economic recession of the early 1990s was taking it’s toll in California. Having affected my family as well, Uncle Art offered and did pay my entire four-year college tuition at one of the most expensive private schools in the country. It was his gift to my family and to me — one that he felt would pay off in the future.

    His giving did not end there. In my ultimate pursuit of a medical degree, Uncle Art also gave me the gift of both graduate school as well as medical school. While most of my friends will emerge from residency training in significant debt, he has ensured a fresh start to my career. As if that were not enough, he honored my graduation from medical school with a brand new car so I would have one less monthly payment to make during residency.

    Uncle Art quickly embraced the love of my life. After getting married and starting a family, he assisted us with yearly gifts to make it possible for my wife to stay home and raise our children! In continuing the theme of being the “education uncle,” he has also started college funds for my two young sons. How lucky they are to have been given such a tremendous opportunity this early in life!

    Uncle Art always says, “I wont miss the money, and this way I am able to enjoy watching it being spent on those I love so much.” He has commented that so often people hold on to their money for fear of losing it too early; thus, leaving it for their family after they pass away. “What these people do not have,” he says, “is the satisfaction of seeing their generosity better the lives of their family.”

    If you think this is a lot, just multiply it by three! Not only has Uncle Art given me the gift of education, he has done the same for my two younger cousins! Beginning with private elementary and high school education and continuing with university tuition, Uncle Art has made sure to support my cousins’ educational goals and aspirations as well!

    I will complete this article and this incredible story of selflessness by thanking and honoring my Uncle Art. His unrelenting generosity and commitment to education has not only affected me, but has bettered and brightened the future for generations to come! He has made so much possible and has never asked for anything but honesty, integrity and dedication in return. For his is an investment that cannot be measured in dollars — but only in limitless possibilities.

    Thank you, Uncle Art! I love you! Happy Thanksgiving!

    Ethan Goldstein, M.D.Southfield, Mich.

    Former Newport Beach resident
