
SOUNDING OFF:Permit parking a political football

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Thanks for your “permit parking” article. Even though it was filled with flaws, it’s important that the public be properly and fully informed on this issue. And to date that has not happened.

It is something that will not go away and die.

The very word “preferential” has been thrown around like a clumsy football pass. So has “quality of life.”

Certainly your statement that Laguna has only one such area is flat-out wrong and misleading.


You must know (or should know) that Laguna has several areas where “preferential parking” has been in place and working for years — without negative effects.

1. A portion of Glenneyre Street near Calliope Street;

2. A portion of Catalina Street near Diamond Street;

3. A portion of Cliff Drive; and

4. Diamond Crestview area.

The Parking/Traffic/Circulation Committee and its subcommittee has spent a lot of time and effort on this issue.

The very fact that some of its members live within the Woods Cove-Village Flatlanders neighborhoods should lend credibility to this. Some of them experience the negative effects of this issue daily. So does our honorable Mayor Steve Dicterow, who is also on the council subcommittee for the Woods Cove-Village Flatlanders parking issue.

His personal experience is in North Laguna. Many times he’s been heard to say that “these are not the only neighborhoods that need relief from this problem.”

I believe he’s right and wonder if this mantra will continue when he moves to the Chamber of Commerce. I’ve heard of “jumping the fence” and wonder if this is worth watching.

It’s also not true that “several” PTC members who will vote on the final recommendations are Woods Cove and Village Flatlander residents. I believe there are three, and all have been advised repeatedly against a “conflict of interest” vote by the city attorney and others. Three is a few, not “several,” and there are probably only two.

Regarding the Chamber of Commerce survey — I challenge you to print a copy of that survey.

Everyone considering this item should know that the chamber did not even acknowledge the residents were requesting relief only from 8 p.m. until 8 a.m. Also, City Manager Ken Frank’s report to the council subcommittee in May was false regarding the Surf and Sand’s practice of using its “courtyard for events instead of employee parking,” which in itself generates even more parking needs.

He said the hotel had stopped [that practice]. They have not stopped. They are still in violation.

Which brings us to the PTC subcommittee recommendation B, which says in part “All CUP-TUP requirements now existing should be vigorously enforced.”

I agree they should be — and they are not.

Which brings us to Councilmember-elect Kelly Boyd. He’s stated several times that the PTC should be elevated to commission status. A body with some teeth (not hen’s teeth).

Many agree with him. Does this mean that he really does have some insight into the workings of city hall — and that he’s also heard the saying that, “If you want something to die and go away, send it to a committee or subcommittee”?

On this happy Thanksgiving, many in Laguna will be watching carefully to see if that clumsy football pass can turn into a touchdown for Laguna.

  • Rik Lawrence is a member of the Parking/Traffic/Circulation Committee and a member of the Village Flatlanders Neighborhood Assn Board.
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