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  • EDITOR’S NOTE: The following are comments that include the best of readers’ online feedback to stories. To respond on the Pilot’s website, go to, click on any story and scroll to the bottom to find the comments field.

    George Amberson wrote on Nov. 21 at 3:33 p.m.:

    The American Flag Does NOT mean Genocide. In World War II, millions of Americans fought AGAINST Genocide under that flag! That Flag symbolizes this nation. This nation should not be called genocidal by elected Orange Coast student leaders.

    James wrote on Nov. 21 at 3:01 p.m.:

    I could care less if someone wants to or doesn’t want to recite a pledge to my country. This is America and we’re FREE to do so or opt out without fear of retribution from any government or political force. Forced allegiance is a statist ideology that I simply do not agree with.


    Janice Gammill wrote on Nov. 21 at 1:18 p.m.:

    Seems trustee Coyotl Tezcatipoca does not think very much of our country. I wonder who paid for his education? Genocide? Oh please, get over yourself.

    Markus wrote on Nov. 21 at 12:44 p.m.:

    Pledge has been turned into a religious text. Follow it, and you are OK. Disagree with a single word in it, and you are deemed unworthy.


    Go Don wrote on Nov. 20 at 10:13 p.m.:

    Right on. The number of illegals working cleaning houses and boats in NB is high. They get paid in cash or cash their checks and with no W-2 to pay taxes its no wonder certain individuals did not do the proper job. Guess where the illegals live. Costa Mesa Don so no wonder certain people oppose the illegal immigration issue. They may have to clean their own toilets. Mansour has the backbone and got elected because people agree with his ideas.

    Don Marshall wrote on Nov. 20 at 2:49 p.m.:

    I agree,no quotes from people who are not residents of Costa Mesa. So don’t let the agent sit on his duff,with the illegal alien problem what it is have him do spot checks at businesses who hire them. This is a step in the right direction, had Snowden did a proper job then the situation might not be as bad as it is, just speculation. At least Mansoor has the Feds attention and SOMETHING is happening, the situation is out of control and this illegal immigrant problem needs to be addressed now.

    Rich wrote on Nov. 20 at 9:35 a.m.:

    Again, thanks to Mansoor for pushing the issue! -Rich -Costa Mesa

    Mike Parks wrote on Nov. 19 at 9:09 a.m.:

    I wish the Pilot would quit quoting Dave Snowden, I for one am tired of hearing from him, He does not even live in the city anymore, he should go give his “wisdom” to the Beverly Hills crowd, and leave costa mesa alone.

    There Goes Alicia Again wrote on Nov. 18 at 9:51 a.m.:

    Alicia continues to quote biased sources on news events without attributing that they endorsed and worked for candidates. De Arakal is not some unbaised “councilwatcher” but rather an activists that endorses council candidates and takes sides in elections. Furthermore, Snowden, a NB resident and Beverly Hills Police Chief, campaigned against the mayor. But no mention from Alicia, The story should have been, “Mayor’s’ opponents support Immigration Plan.” If Alicia was balanced she would do a story on CM folks who thank the mayor for pursuing the issue and now the federal government has responded.”
