
MAILBAG - Dec. 14, 2006

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Don’t forget seniors this holiday seasonA toothbrush and toothpaste. Some videos. A pill organizer. A pair of white tube socks. No, this isn’t my shopping list. These are items that were handwritten on individual Angel Tags hung on the Christmas Tree at the Mesa Verde Branch of the Orange County Public Library. Yes, this time of year there are hundreds of nonprofits who will need food for the homeless, toys for kids, items for those in the military and gifts for needy families.

But let’s not forget about our precious seniors. Operation Senior Santa and Friends provides each of us with the opportunity to help the frail, elderly and disabled adults in Orange County. Cash donations are also accepted, as are items such as walkers and other medical equipment. You can also treat seniors with gift cards to purchase clothing and medication. All donations are accepted at the library.

No, I don’t work for the county. I was just moved by the honesty of some old folks who just want some simple pleasures, the basic necessities. Stop by the Mesa Verde Library and pick up a Senior Santa gift tag or visit the county’s website at /christmas.asp for more information. Let’s bring a little cheer to a senior.


Costa Mesa

Mischaracterization of mayor’s intentionsGeoff West’s Community Commentary (“Don’t trust the majority,” Sunday) expressed concern about the election of Allan Mansoor and his effect on diversity in Costa Mesa.


First off, even if Mansoor wanted to rid the city of Latinos, there is no way he could under the laws of this country. No one can exclude citizens based on race or creed; it is a basic tenant of our Constitution. Furthermore, there is nothing Mansoor has said or done that indicates he is against Latinos. If someone is a citizen of this country, he or she should understand his or her basic rights.

Mansoor has stated that he is against Costa Mesa becoming a haven for illegal immigrants.

The reasons are obvious. While neighboring communities of Newport Beach and Irvine might benefit from the ample supply of cheap labor, Costa Mesa bears the brunt of the cost in terms of overcrowding of our schools and medical facilities as well as increases in crime.

If West really favors the diversity brought to us by illegal immigration from Mexico, why doesn’t he go to where immigrants are crossing the border illegally with a bus and bring them to Costa Mesa? Does he really feel that a city population made up of more illegal immigrants will make Costa Mesa a better city?

If the Westside of Costa Mesa were to be developed today, I do not think you would see row upon row of run-down apartments mixed in with industrial buildings.

Changing that mix over time is what the “improvers” are all about, and I do not think it is fair to label them as anti-Latino for that goal.


Costa Mesa
