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False in-home water inspections

The City of Huntington Beach has been contacted by several residents reporting that they have been approached for in-home water-quality testing or inspection services by someone claiming to be a city employee.

“We have a company calling residents saying they were from the city’s water department, utilities manager Howard Johnson said, adding that the firm would make appointments for four to five days in advance, sometimes failing to keep the appointment.


“Most certainly, we don’t do business like that. If we thought something was wrong with the water, we would call them immediately.”

The company has attempted to sell unnecessary services such as water-filter or water-testing devices, Johnson said.

“If anyone says they need to enter a residence for a water-quality concern, call to verify that they are one of our employees,” Johnson said.

According to the Water Department, water-quality testing most often happens at special testing sites, not at homes. On those occasions when residents must be contacted, employees identify themselves by name.

All employees are issued photo identification cards and will readily display them on request. Should visits be required that is not requested by a customer, they will normally occur between 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Police to conduct sober checkpoints

Huntington Beach Police will be operating a number of sobriety checkpoints Friday throughout the city in anticipation of the upcoming holiday break.

According to the department, time and location of the checkpoints will not be released, because people would just avoid those areas.

“We try to do one each quarter, but obviously people drive with alcohol more frequently from parties and other holiday events this time of year, Lt. Craig Junginger said.

Only the combination of prevention, enforcement and prevention can save lives, police said.
