
SURFING SOAPBOX:Why did Max die?

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I met Joseph Caputo a couple of months back and told him if there was anything I could do to help him or his family to not hesitate in asking and that I would be there for him.

What I remember most about Joseph that day was a man whose eyes spoke of more pain than I could ever imagine.

Joseph’s 17-year-old son Max was struck and killed on Coast Highway on August 19 by a hit-and-run driver who is still at large. A reward in excess of $23,000 is being offered for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the driver of the vehicle.


It was an honor when Joseph called me asking for my help in getting his message out about what happened early one summer morning that ended his son’s life. Below you will find Joseph’s letter to you:

“Just less than a half a year ago, I remember my favorite thing to do was guiding my son Max and his friends whenever they got bright ideas about how to act out their views to gain attention and make it appear as if they were different or having more fun than their peers.

“All that was abruptly changed when a few months ago my favorite thing to do was to go down to the 2400 block of PCH around midnight where those same friends of my son were gathered along the curb in the dark, lit up by candles and the lights of passing cars.

“They would huddle around a few of the others who were using permanent markers to write a short poem or draw out one of Max’s favorite sayings or characters onto the cement sidewalk, or on one of the many skimboards and skateboards that they had been riding alongside him just a few hours before.

“He may have been a little bit ahead but that was ok “” it made it easier to hear him calling out his random canting to keep up. Most of these young people were always in the arms of another, looking so comfortable. You could see the familiarity of the group as a whole, that the stronger ones were making the others feel safe. Within their circle, they became comfortable to cry out and let tears that had been held back finally fall from their faces to the ground there on that warm dark summer night.

“When it was noted that that I had arrived and was approaching from behind, without turning to see, the group would part so naturally and fold in behind me. Those who knew me well would try to pull that stupid hat that I wear from my head and those just used to seeing me with Max and now wearing his clothes were just happy to feel me brush past into the center.

“This was the only part of those days that made any sense to me at that time “” my fatherly instinct was still strong and so shiny that they all knew something was about to happen.

“They knew that this was Max’s dad, origin of his character, and I would have to have something comforting to say. I have no idea where I would get the strength when that moment was apparent, but they all would listen intently as if for the first time ever.

“I explained to them that when these candles finally go out, the same light would shine from each of them. The bond that they were creating here with each other would directly reflect its intensity and make the legacy of Max an enduring one. Ideas of the young give purpose, drawing them to this solemn place.

“My personal and sincere thanks go out to all those who are helping me make my presence felt in hopes that this person [who took Max’s life] will come forward soon.

“Thank you to all who are making it known that it is not acceptable to commute through town taking the lives of our young and continuing on taking the hopes of future generations with you. Thank you to those who did not know Max personally but remember that smiling kid skating past the house, never missing the opportunity to share the same. Those who left fresh eggs, home cooked meals, cookies, flowers and cards at our doorstep.

“Thank you to those who had the ability to bring the gift of well-being and comfort to shade the sense of loss, lit candles and whispered prayers to themselves.

“On one hand, I will never fathom how Max’s soul could have completed his mission at so young an age. On the other hand, it is so very easy to see the powerful effect he has had on our community. Thanks to all.”

“” Joseph Caputo

Information about the case should be provided to Laguna Beach Police Det. Ted Falencki, (949) 497-0370. Anyone wishing to make a pledge to the reward fund may contact Bill Deline at


  • JAMES PRIBRAM is a Laguna Beach native, board member of Clean Water Now, professional surfer and founder of the Aloha School of Surfing. He can be reached at
