
MAILBAG - Jan. 14, 2007

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Sailor should reimburse heroes who rescued him

The rescue of Ken Barnes Jr. was a gift he and his family received from the crew of the fishing trawler Polar Pesca 1 (“Barnes, back home, recounts ordeal at sea,” Jan. 10). The United States and Chile also helped save his life. It was gratifying to hear Barnes thank all who helped.

I did not hear anything about reimbursing the fishing trawler that lost $50,000 a day while steaming into the wild sea to pluck him from death’s door. I saw Ken Barnes Sr. say he and his family would not influence his son not to revisit this trip because they wanted him “to be as the best he can be.” I did not hear Ken Barnes Sr. say he would reimburse that fishing boat the $50,000 a day they lost because of his son’s dire predicament to “be the best he could be.” I heard Ken Barnes Jr. say that if he could get the financing, he would do it again.


What about taking out a loan for the amount that fishing trawler lost and repaying them? Those fishermen were working to make enough money to care for their families. They did not vote to lose money because they decided they wanted to “be the best they could be.” Those fishermen have wives, children, parents, mortgages or rent — daily needs they were working for: They are heroes and also risk their lives to care for their families.

If someone wants to take enormous risks, they should have the funds to pay for their emergency rescuing. It should not be subsidized by anyone. The decision was made by Ken Barnes Jr. to risk his life “being the best he can be” not the fishermen, or Chile, or the United States. So, Ken Barnes Jr. and Sr. should reimburse all who took part in the amazing rescue and be thankful he lost only his boat while “being the best he can be.”


Newport Beach

Sports programs could ease city’s gang troubles

I was looking at the news about the Costa Mesa’s gang activity, and I just want to give my opinion. I think the city should have more sports programs so young people can get involved with the community directly. Perhaps a soccer club. And then meet with those guys directly with the community and get them involved in playing sports — soccer, basketball, whatever. I think it will work better to have confidence with these people — they’re going to work, and they’re going to change their gang’s activities just to keep them busy, to keep them off the streets.


Costa Mesa

Headline was misleading and should be remedied

I am a subscriber and this is a minor thing, but these are the kinds of things that are just not right. I am absolutely livid by the fact that the Daily Pilot front page says “CdM teacher is arrested for allegedly writing bad checks” (Jan. 9) when there is a school that uses the moniker “CdM.” And for a school that works hard to maintain its reputation, that is just unacceptable.

I do find it interesting that most all of the Daily Pilot news seems to have a bent toward Costa Mesa first, then the east side of the bay — or west side of the bay for us — and then our side, which is, I guess, a matter of where you guys reside.

But that’s just wrong, and there better be something big and bold that says that it wasn’t a Corona del Mar High School teacher.


Newport Beach

School official shouldn’t be so nonchalant

I read the story about the thefts at Newport Harbor High School (“An educated guess about school logic,” Jan. 10). My four sons and two nieces all graduated Newport Harbor. We don’t mind signing up for bond issues if the money is carefully spent, but as you point out, if there isn’t a concern about taxpayer money, that makes it less likely for us to be supportive.


Newport Beach

Keep up the good work, Daily Pilot staffers

I just have to congratulate you folks again. I’m just reading today’s (Jan. 11) paper, and you’ve got more things that are interesting in there than I see in five separate editions of the Los Angeles Times. I congratulate you on the good work you’re doing, and I hope you’re able to help the kid in school with cancer — we’re certainly going to make a donation up at Adams Elementary School this week.


Costa Mesa

Follow up on Newport’s tsunami readiness

I spent about 4 hours preparing a very complimentary response to your headline “Newport to be ruled ‘tsunami-ready’ ” (Dec. 27), and I’m disappointed that I haven’t heard more. I felt sure you’d have some follow-up article or maybe response letters to the article — it’s a super-important issue for the city of Newport Beach, I think, and would really appreciate it if you would follow up. Maybe I missed it, but I’ve read the Daily Pilot every day expecting to see something on it. I was — for six years — president of the West Newport Beach Assn., and I think it was a very important issue that you raised and would hope that you’d follow up on it.


Newport Beach
