
THE MORAL OF THE STORY:There is a balm in talking out problems

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“Consistent, timely encouragement has the staggering magnetic power to draw an immortal soul to the God of hope. The One whose name is wonderful counselor.”


Have you put all of your Christmas decorations away? Just when I think that I’ve carried the last box up to the attic, I find a stray little ornament, angel or Christmas candle. It takes a lot of time and being in the right mood to pack up all those many things that we enjoyed having around us as a festive part of the holidays. I know that I’m not alone because I still see some Christmas lights, wreaths and poinsettias around the neighborhood.


I purposefully kept one colorful decoration out longer than the others. It’s a cute little pillow that Phyllis, a good friend of mine, gave me. It’s black and hand-stitched with little Christmas decorations such as snowflakes, snowmen, stars and holly. In the middle of it, different colored letters spell out the word “hope.” I have kept it out because it makes me think of Phyllis and it reminds me that God is a wonderful God of hope.

I have known Phyllis since we met in college, when we became friends and then roommates. We were in each other’s weddings and we have been close friends ever since. We have shared life, laughter, tears and prayers, and God has blessed our friendship in many ways for many, many years.

Phyllis and I sent a stream of e-mails back and forth lately and we shared our feelings honestly.

We both appreciated feeling understood, loved and accepted.

Phyllis wrote, “Thanks for feeling that you can vent with me. I love you for that and I’ll vent back to you.” We joked about having a “vent-off,” and the truth is there is a wonderful freedom in being able to open up to each other. We encouraged one another and reminded each other to look to, hope in and trust God. At one point Phyllis responded to something I wrote by saying, “Your words are balm to my soul.” I love that phrase, because her words certainly were balm to my soul, and I think that encouraging words are like a soothing balm that brings healing.

Sometimes when we share, it’s like we invite our friend to help remove a splinter in our soul that we can’t get out on our own. As we talk, the splinter eases out, and the sharing brings a gentle soothing touch to the wound.

Another friend of mine has a saying that sums up the way honest sharing brings healing. She says, “We talk ourselves well,” and I have certainly seen and experienced the way God works through honest sharing and encouragement as well as gentle prodding to make positive changes when necessary.

We are so fortunate to have a God who is a wonderful counselor, but also to have friends whom God works through to share encouragement and hope.

I finally put the little pillow away with the other seasonal Christmas decorations, but the message of hope is something that is always in season.

And you can quote me on that.

  • CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON is a Newport Beach resident who speaks frequently to parenting groups. She may be reached at or 537 Newport Center Drive, Box 505, Newport Beach, CA 92660.
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