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“I have noticed that there is very, very little ocean breeze in Vegas, practically none. There is just something lacking here.”

“I want to know when’s the last time somebody died from a cockroach?”

“Part of the cleanup is to get rid of old cars. What you probably do not know is between Costa Mesa and Newport Beach, I have lost over 20 old cars that the cities came onto my property and towed away and destroyed because of minor things like not being currently registered, a flat tire or dead battery, etc. That wouldn’t happen if I was in town [not in Las Vegas]. This thing has cost me well over $100,000. I am going to get even.”

“You can’t close me because of roaches and mice. Everybody’s got them. It’s not life or death. And I don’t invite them here. I don’t import them from Mexico or buy them from a pet store.”


“I’m going to drag everyone else in Costa Mesa that’s been screwed around by laws that aren’t laws.”

“I don’t give up. I think it’s part of my nature.”

“It had nothing to do with the health department. I was sick and tired of dumb staff. Trying to run Sid’s, the pizza place and do my law work was too much.”

“There’s no way in God’s green earth for someone to come into Sid’s and only one person gets sick. Everybody eats the meat and rice. We sell too much of it for only one person to get sick.”
