
Alcohol may be off the table at Riddle Field

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The City Council is looking into banning alcohol at Riddle Field.

The council voted unanimously Tuesday to prohibit alcohol consumption and containers at the park, as recommended by the city’s Recreation Department. Citysponsored cultural events will be exempted from the ban.

Riddle Field will be the only park in town where alcohol consumption is not permitted with a meal.

“It is special because of Little League played there,” said Susan Cannan of the Community Services Department.


Softball player John Campbell said teams or players who don’t behave appropriately should be banned “” not beer.

“I have played softball since 1972, and I have seen a certain amount of profanity and drinking, but I see this as a whittling away of tradition,” Campbell said.

Riddle Field neighbor Alan Grant applauded the council’s decision.

A number of players and spectators have been cited for drinking alcohol without an accompanying meal at the field over the past year.

A second reading of the ordinance will be on a council agenda before final approval. The ordinance would go into effect 30 days after approval.

“” Barbara Diamond
