
REEL FANS:Bloody brilliant

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EDITOR’S NOTE: A Daily Pilot staffer went to Edwards Island 7 to get moviegoers’ opinions of the Oscar-nominated film, “The Departed,” starring Matt Damon, Leonardo DiCaprio, Jack Nicholson, and supporting-actor nominee Mark Wahlberg. Martin Scorsese has also been nominated for best director.

Everyone is a suspect, no one can be trusted, and bringing down the mob controlling the streets of Boston is the plot of this suspenseful shoot-em-up. As the mob ringleader, Frank Costello (Jack Nicholson) has cops on his tail, in his pocket, and — though he suspects, he can’t figure out who it is — working undercover for him. Billy Costigan (Leonardo DiCaprio) is the undercover cop, and Colin Sullivan (Matt Damon) is the corrupt Massachusetts special investigator assigned to take Costello down. It’s survival of the fittest as these two battle each other to protect their identities and stay alive.

“I‘m a huge Leo fan, so I actually liked the movie. It was a bit violent — too violent, I felt, in some parts to bring my daughter, so I’m having issues with that. Overall, I enjoyed the movie. I liked the twists and turns and the plot. I felt the acting was really good, but I like these kind of movies. I liked the interaction every time Billy Costigan (DiCaprio) was approached by Frank Costello (Nicholson) — and the way he (DiCaprio) kept trying to dodge that he was not the rat. And then to find out that everyone was a rat in this thing.”


  • Grade: B+

    Corona del Mar

    “I‘m just bewildered. I loved it because I love Leonardo DiCaprio, and I just thought it was amazing. A tad bit violent for me, but I do like the kind of violent movies, which is a little weird for girls my age [15]. I thought it was amazing — I’m shocked that the end was just crazy. The movie was very well-directed, and the acting was amazing. The entire movie was just awesome to me. I was bewildered by Matt Damon, his friend, the other guy, that they were all working for him (Nicholson). It was just crazy. And that Leonardo’s character (Costigan) was the one that Costello (Nicholson) trusted the most — which was just like, oh, oh my gosh. So to me, the whole thing was just mind-blowing.”

    Grade: A-


    Corona del Mar

    “I thought the movie was extremely intense. I think it’s definitely between ‘The Queen’ and ‘The Departed’ for the Academy Award for best picture. I thought the acting was excellent — all of the people [cast] were outstanding. And Jack [Nicholson] was Jack — what can you say? I loved Leonardo’s part — I thought he was terrific in the whole thing. The violence didn’t bother me. I see a lot of violent films when I go with my husband. This was a little gruesome, but I’ve seen worse.”

    Grade: A


    Costa Mesa

    “I thought the movie was very exciting. I think the directing was terrific. The violence bothered me, and, I’m sorry, there were so many bodies I couldn’t keep count. The acting was superb, and I think Leo’s going to get the Academy Award for best actor. I think the whole movie was good, but I am really sort of tired of all the violence in films today. I usually stay away from the violent movies, and someone told me it was a little bloody, but really, how many bodies were there?”

    Grade: A-


    Newport Beach

    — Compiled by Sue Thoensen
