
SOUNDING OFF:A teacher’s note to school administrators

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I wanted to extend my congratulations to the Huntington Beach City School District’s administrators for giving themselves a pay raise of 2%. What a great feeling it must be to receive this “gift” in addition to your 6.5% raise you were given when you settled your contract a couple of months ago.

I don’t know about you, but I love “surprises.” Whoever “found” the money to pay for the salary increases (coincidentally, right after you settled with the teachers) deserves a promotion! Once again, you were right on top of it. A new assistant superintendent position was created for him. Thanks for seeing the need for more administrators and not hesitating to act. I think all of us in the community agree if there is one thing we are in dire need of in our school district, it’s more administrative positions.

I would also like to take this time to recognize the school board members and the district’s administrators for their outstanding leadership and financial stewardship. Thanks for having the vision not to spend this money in the classrooms. We all know the last thing we need at the schools is money. Never mind the fact that our custodians are routinely removing lights from unused portables to replace our burned-out ones. It doesn’t matter that they are the wrong kind of lights. Proper lighting is overrated when it comes to the learning environment.


In addition, don’t worry about any of the classroom-supply budgets. We don’t need any help there either. I haven’t ordered any supplies this year and my budget is almost depleted due to daily photocopying needs.

However, my students’ parents have come to the rescue! They are making copies at Kinko’s and home. As for supplies that I need, I’m thinking about adding a “supply scavenger hunt” to the weekly homework assignment packet. That should solve my basic supply problems without inconveniencing your agenda.

Also, thanks for having the self-discipline not to restore the hours you took away from our Librarian/Media Technicians. That was a bold cost-cutting move that continues to pay dividends. Maybe you should look into further reducing their hours so that the administrators can get 3% on top of their salary increase next year! I’m sure the kids can check out and return books on their own.

We are also grateful that you did not invest in technology for the schools as well. This responsibility has been successfully shifted to the PTA and the Huntington Beach Educational Foundation. Why ruin a good thing? I am glad you fought the impulse to hire more teachers to break up some of the numerous combination-grade classes at most of our schools. We all know the parents would never be in favor of reducing the number of combination classes.

Lastly, thank you for not falling for all the hysteria regarding this generation being out of shape and in need of exercise. All the other districts that have physical education teachers are just buying the hype. Hiring credentialed physical education teachers would be of no benefit to our children.

The entire community is indebted to you for your bold and courageous leadership. I don’t think anyone could argue that you chose the best possible allocation for this money.

  • TONY ZINI is a third-grade teacher at Ralph E. Hawes Elementary School.
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