
MAILBAG:Biking is not a solution to transit woes

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In my opinion, the Daily Pilot should caution its readers about the risks of “swapping their automobiles for bicycles” to go to work, as enticed (irresponsibly, I think) by the Orange County Transportation Authority’s Joel Zlotnik (“Keep body, environment healthy by biking to work,” May 16). It is deplorable that, instead of improving its services, the transportation authority urges citizens to risk their lives and limbs by opting for bicycles on the highways.

The suggestion that “it’s just a healthy alternative for getting to work” is false, (the auto exhausts are definitely not healthy, and the chances of being hit by cars are high), and it does a disservice to your readers. People (especially young people) should be alerted not to follow this ill-conceived idea. I hope that my daughter does not take Zlotnik’s advice.

Most people work more than 5 miles away from their homes — why else are our freeways so crowded? Should the public use bicycles to get from Newport Beach to Los Angeles? Or Downey, Seal Beach, or even Costa Mesa? Let’s do a reality check: If the transportation authority (in conjunction with other Southern California transit systems) offered better mass transportation, there would be less need for using cars and roads.


So far, the authority has done its share of discouraging ridership by scheduling infrequent and inconvenient services to and from most Orange County communities, and I often frown seeing the people sitting on sidewalks while waiting for the bus. Where are the benches?

I spent many years in Europe without needing a car and using a bicycle for health and enjoyment because the public transportation there was practical, inexpensive and efficient.


Anti-Costa Mesa Pilot should leave town

Last year, the people of Costa Mesa voted overwhelmingly to support our local government’s attempts to clamp down on illegal immigration.

Since then, the Daily Pilot has punished us with a spate of articles, columns, etc., poking fun at our elected government and making heroes of illegals. Your front-page story on May 21, lionizing the guy who screamed obscenities at our City Council (and had to be forcibly removed), was the final straw (“Activist isn’t as radical as you think,” In the Mix, May 21).

All of the elitist establishment — the Daily Pilot, the Chamber of Commerce, the Segerstroms, etc. — seems to oppose our city’s efforts to enforce immigration law. Only the people are behind our City Council.

The Daily Pilot’s anti-Costa Mesa tilt is apparent by the fact that only five of your 31 listed news-rack locations are north of 17th Street.

I suggest that you move your offices south of 17th and leave Costa Mesa alone. I’ll mobilize a crew to help you pack. This is work that Americans will do.

