
REEL CRITIC:’Surfer’ sinks despite effects

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Another high-powered comic book movie hits the big screen this week. Of course the special effects are fabulous. Of course it’s a sequel. Of course it’s all been done before and will be done again and again — as long as teenagers will pay good money to see these PG films full of hot action fantasy and mindless dialogue.

“Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer” is a mixed bag of cinematic intentions. The Silver Surfer is a cosmic hired gun working for a mysterious master who destroys planets for a living. The conflicted Surfer participates in this killing game because his home planet is spared destruction as long as he continues to serve the Destroyer. But problems arise when the heavily populated Earth becomes the next target planet.

This premise offers many opportunities to explore deep philosophical issues about killing others to save your own loved ones.


But this screenplay drops Stan Lee’s most intriguing character into the lame sitcom situation left over from the first Fab Four movie.

Attempts to be serious are laughable as we watch the childish interactions among the supposedly Fantastic Four while the planet is about to explode.

Of course, they still manage to become the unlikely saviors of the world. But the great special effects can’t overcome the inherent silliness of the whole enterprise.

  • JOHN DEPKO is a Costa Mesa resident and a senior investigator for the Orange County public defender’s office.
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