
THE COASTAL GARDENER:Weed out the harmful chemicals you’re using

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As a young boy growing up near Los Angeles, I loved the outdoors, especially our garden.

We had a solution for everything. When aphids showed up, we used malathion; ants were subdued with Chlordane; lawn weeds meant Turf Builder Plus 2. The garage shelves held a nice selection of “controls”: Diazinon, Sevin, Dursban, 2,4-D and more.

Like many at the time, my gardening education came from the trusted people at Ortho, Scott’s, Bandini and Miracle Gro. Just about any gardening obstacle had a solution sitting on those shelves. At the time I didn’t know any better. Today I do.

Organic gardening at its most basic level is the same everywhere: You work with nature instead of trying to control and contain it.


In a time when green lawns come on a truck and are kept green with a monthly dose of synthetic compounds, shifting back to a more natural method of maintaining a garden can at first appear intimidating.

After years of traditional garden maintenance, the soil is full of salts from the fertilizers.

There are few beneficial insects — mostly just ants, whiteflies and snails.

Invisible life in the soil, beneficial fungi, bacteria and other microbes have been poisoned by high-analysis fertilizers, fungicides and pesticides.

Thankfully, nature is forgiving.

Switching to organic principles in a garden isn’t necessarily more difficult, time-consuming or expensive. Of course, those of you who are using organic products already know that.

In an age of hybrid vehicles, global warming, “Inconvenient Truths,” watershed protection, recycling and healthy living, shouldn’t organic gardening be the norm, not the exception?

We should not be resisting; we should be insisting our gardens are installed and maintained organically.

If there is one immediate adjustment each gardener can make to become more organic, more earth-friendly, it is to take inventory of what is being used in their garden.

Start by looking at the garden remedies on the shelf in the garage. Then notice what fertilizers are being used in your garden — and yes, you need to include the rose fertilizers and the lawn fertilizers, too.

If your gardener is applying fertilizer, snail bait or anything else to your garden, you need to find out what he or she is using.

For some local gardeners, taking an inventory of their gardening supplies will be an uncomfortable exercise. Like a patient taking prescription medications for an ailment, you may feel you cannot garden without these products.

While taking this inventory, you may be surprised by what you find. Instead of Ortho, Scott’s, Bayer, Bandini, Snarol and Miracle Gro, an organic gardener will find Dr. Earth, Whitney Farms, John and Bob’s, Gardner and Bloome, Pharm Solutions and Safer.

I hope you discover bags of organic compost, earthworm castings, a pint of insecticidal soap, a bottle of paraffinic oil and all organic fertilizers.

To become a responsible gardener in Costa Mesa, Newport Beach, Corona del Mar or Newport Coast, start by becoming an organic gardener.

The first thing to do is quite obvious. Stop using synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides, snail baits and other materials in your garden.

Once you start gardening organically, you will be addicted to the process. You will find more and more ways to do things naturally.

Weeding out the garden medicine cabinet will provide healthier produce and flowers for you and your family to enjoy — and no more cost or work than gardening any other way.

At one time you didn’t know any better. Now you do.

  • RON VANDERHOFF is the nursery manager at Roger’s Gardens, Corona del Mar.


    We have an area (6’ x 12’), which has a northeast exposure, somewhat shaded. House windows are 3 ½ feet above grade. Hibiscus had to be removed due to poor growth, no flowers and whiteflies. What do you recommend with colorful blossoms/flowers throughout the year and low maintenance?



    Not surprising the hibiscus failed. In less than full sun and good air circulation, you won’t see many flowers, and whiteflies will be an issue. Flowers throughout the year, low maintenance and semi-shady — wow, that’s a tall order. Off the cuff, I can’t think of a plant that can fill all of these requirements. I think you may be better off choosing shrubs with seasonal color, like hydrangeas in the summer and sasanqua camellias in the winter, then incorporating some annual flowers that you would switch out a couple of times during the year.

  • ASK RON your toughest gardening questions, and the expert nursery staff at Roger’s Gardens will come up with an answer. Please include your name, phone number and city, and limit queries to 30 words or fewer. E-mail stumpthegardener@, or write to Plant Talk at Roger’s Gardens, 2301 San Joaquin Hills Road, Corona del Mar, CA 92625.
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