
MAILBAG:Campbell fakes action while shirking risk

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When given a chance to actually do something about immigration, i.e. vote for the Senate bill, Rep. John Campbell opted to do nothing.

His website compared the bill to “lipstick on a pig.” But more lipstick is what we got in Monday’s Forum (“Police should enforce immigration laws”).

Why not, he suggests, push the whole mess onto the backs of local police. This lipstick is the conservative version of the free lunch. It is an unfunded federal mandate and a free ride for Campbell. He gets to pretend he is doing something about the problem while avoiding the politically risky alternative of actually passing a piece of Congressional legislation (that had the blessing of his purported leader).


Come on, John, didn’t your momma teach you there’s no such thing as a free lunch?


Johnson’s column on Curry’s piece shows his prejudice

Talk about bullies!

Tom Johson’s rant (Don’t fake hearing opposing views,” Aug. 10) against Keith Curry’s “rant” was at least as cantankerous but more heavily weighted by his bully pulpit on page one of the Daily Pilot newspaper.

Curry’s article (“Mayor’s letter diminishes City Council,” Aug. 8), lodged in the mid-section of the paper, was brought to my attention. Before seeing Curry’s article, I wondered how he might respond to Mayor Steve Rosansky’s belittling attack.

If Johnson does not see and express his prejudice perhaps he should excuse himself from covering this story.


Curry is keeping promises he made to the Newport Center

I have known Keith Curry for many years, and know him to be a man of integrity who stands up for what he believes is right. In regard to the park issue, he is keeping the promises he made to the people who live in the Newport Center area.

It is reassuring to know we have someone like him on the City Council, who doesn’t change his position because he is being pressured by others.



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