
MAILBAG:Voting security is key in elections

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On Aug. 3, Secretary of State Debra Bowen led California, and the nation, into a bold new era of transparent elections.

All electronic voting systems used in California will be subject to stringent security requirements in the nation.

Some local election officials throughout the state oppose these measures, claiming they do not have time to prepare alternate voting systems for the ’08 elections.


Of course we have time to bring our electoral process back to paper-based systems for our next election. In fact, a handbook detailing every step of the process has been published in New Hampshire.

Throughout history the most tried-and-true electoral system has proven to be hand counted, hand-marked paper ballots. True, there has always been fraud with paper ballots, but nothing like the scale that we know is possible with computerized electronic equipment, which permit one person to change an entire election outcome without leaving a trace.

Benefits of hand counting, besides an observable, honest count, includes increased citizen involvement and keeping the cost of elections within the local community instead of flushing the money into the coffers of private corporations.

I urge all concerned Californians to contact their county election officials and speak up for fair, open, observable elections. Nothing less than our democracy is at stake.

You can also write to Secretary Bowen and thank her for taking this courageous stand.



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